Katthe, Johnny Cash Kanday ka ładäya
Johnny Cash is hunting for moose
Ätl’ą̄y k’e, Theo kanday **Yädäch’äl.**
* I just found out that the version of skinning I was using is incorrect, so here is the correct version.*
After that, Theo skins the moose.
Snoopy kanday gha ät’äwa?
Does snoopy cut the moose hair?
Piper kanday utägen tadägèt.
Ayet Grinch uwätsį äghò.
That Grinch Shaves off the hair-side
Nųchų kulį k’e, kanday dhü dakät ch’e.
In the fall time the moose hide is thick.
Adinlāt k’e, kwädhü tląyą ch’äw sothän.
In the spring, their hide is really good.
Bleepbloop łäla dükat dū.
Bleepbloop is making it even
Dāl utsį k’anųtsal dū chu hak’ü yè.
Wash the blood off with cold water.
Ädhü mày shats’et’äw.
people cut around a hide
Johnny Cash tágà may kanday ka ukanäta.
Johnny Cash looks for moose by the river
Theo kanday dhü yenälį, äyet kwaka, kanday äch’äl.
Theo wants a moose hide, that’s why he skins a moose.
Jų̄tsų̀ snoopy kanday gha ät’äw?
How does snoopy cut the moose hair?
Piper kanday utägen tadägèda?
Is Piper Scraping off the flesh?
Ayet Grinch u’ür äghòa?
Does the Grinch shave his shirt?
Yuk’e kulį k’e, kanday dhü dakät nàach’äw?
In the winter, Is the moose hide thick?
Mą Kwädhü tląyą ch’äw sothan?
Whos hide is really good?
Johnny Cash kanday dhü dükat dū.
Johnny Cash is making the moose hide even thickness
Jųts’ų Dāl utsį k’anųtsal dū?
How will you wash the blood?
Melanie ädhü mày shaät’äw.
Melanie cuts around the hide in a circle
Johnny Cash ughałaan ghàkedämbät shų.
Johnny Cash’s Family is hungry too.
Jų̄tsų̀ kanday yädäch’äl?
How does he skin a moose?
Uyèts’egwät yè kanday gha ät’äwa?
Does he cut the moose hair with a fork?
Jų̄ts’ų̀ Piper kanday utägen tadägèt?
How does piper scrape off the moose’s flesh?
äjù u’ür aghò, Ayet Grinch uwätsį äghò.
The Grinch does not shave his shirt, he shaves the hair side.
Nųchų kulį k’e, kanday nätthän ghàkech’e.
In the fall, the moose are all fat.
Ye nena łay kwädhü adinlāt k’e tląyą ch’äw sothän?
What other animal’s hide is really good in the spring?
Jųts’ų kanday dhü dükat dū?
How does Johnny Cash make the moose hide an even thickness?
Ye ka Dāl utsį k’anųtsal dū chu hak’ü yè?
Why will you wash the blood off with cold water?
Dàandur k’e kanday dhü may shant’äw?
How many moose hide do you cut around in a circle?
Johnny Cash uyèts’egwät yè ładäyaa?
Does Johnny Cash Hunt with a fork?
Ayet mbür dùtsela nàach’äw, mbür kwäshäw nàach’äw?
Is the knife small, is the knife big?
. Kàshäsha yè k’ùk ít’äw
I cut paper with scissors
Tägwät yè kanday utägen tadägèt.
Piper scrapes off the flesh with a scraper
Mą uwätsį äghò?
Who shaves the hair side
Yuk’e kulį k’e, kanday äjù mbät ätlą ghàketthü, ätląy k’e kanday ädindhät ghàkeche.
In the winter, moose don’t eat a lot, after that, they are all skinny.
Udzi kwädhü tląyą ch’äw sothän.
Caribou hide is really good
Tägwät yè kanday dhü dükat dū.
He Makes the moose hide an even thickness with a scraper.
ä j ù kanday dhü K’anųtsal k’e, kanday dhü tlį dútthü nųą.
If you don’t wash the blood off, the dog might eat the moose hide.
Äshèyi yū shaít’äw.
I cut in a circle in Aishihik.
Johnny Cash kanday łäch’i ka ładäya.
Johnny Cash is hunting for one moose.
Theo kanday hak’al k’e yädäch’äla?
Does Theo skin the moose quickly?
Bubbles, ye nt’äw?
Bubbles what are you cutting?
Ts’àl yè ts’ät tadígèt.
Juk’e Ayet Grinch uwätsį äghò?
When does the Grinch shave the hair-side.
Nųchų kulį k’e, kanday dhü ts’ädät’ąyą nàach’äw?
In the fall time, is the moose hide thin?
Juk’e kanday kwädhü äjù tląyą ch’äw sothän?
When is the moose hide not really good?
Katthe utägen tadägèt, atl’ąy k’e łäla dükat dū.
Chu ädhäl yè dāl k’anųtsala?
Do you wash the blood off with hot water?
Jų̄ts’ų̈̀ kanday dhü shant’äw?
How does one cut around the moose hide in a circle?
Äjù uyèts’ejenatl’at yè ładíya, gwänk’a yè ładíya!
I don’t hunt with a pencil, I hunt with a gun.
Kwashäw ndasídla!
I work a lot!
Aghay, agay gha ät’äw.
Yes, He is cutting wolf hair.
ye tadįgèt?
what are you scraping?
Shän, äjù mbür dät’ǜ ích’į, ayet kwaka tthe uyèts’eghò dúkèt nų.
Me, I don’t have a sharp knife, that’s why I will possibly buy a sharpening stone.
äjù dakät, kegwän ch’äw äjù ts’ädät’ąyą shų.
It is not thick, however, it is not thin too.
Nuch’u k’e, kanday dhü äjù tląyą ch’äw sothän.
In the fall, the moose hide is not really good.
Bleebloop, umą yè tägwät łäki kech’įą?
Does Bleepbloop and their mom have two scrapers?
Łu dhü shų ä jù chu ädhäl ye ajesädla, chu hak’ü yè k’anųtsal ni.
With fish hide too, you don’t work with hot water, you will wash it with cold water.
Mbür dedäda?
Is the knife dull?
Gá men yè ładįya.
You hunt with a rabbit snare.
Dáshäw ka udzi tayke Yädích’äl.
I am skinning three caribou for our elders.
Ńtthe gha dek’wan äch’e.
The fox hair is short.
Melanie, Michelle tägwät ka dinkät.
Melanie, ask Michelle for a scraper.
Ayet mbür nä̀dädatsät!
That knife is expensive.
. Adinlat kulį k’e, kanday dhü ts’ädät’ąyą ch’e.
In the spring time, the moose hide are thin.
Kwädhü keshänthü ka sothäna?
Is their hide good for mukluks?
Äghay, tägwät łäki dät’ü, tägwät łäch’į dedät.
Yes, two scrapers, are sharp, and one scraper is dull.
Shirly ndhü yè dhü yè ajesädla, dedhü yè ajesädla, ye dhü yè ajesädla?
Does Shirley work with your hide, her own hide, what hide does she work with?
Nichole, nmbür dat’ü nàach’äw?
Nichole are your knives sharp?
Kanday dhät ämbür shų.
He boils moose tongue too.
Dàandür łu yädįch’äl?
How many fish are you skinning?
Ngalį utthígha chī ts’endü, ayet kwaka utthigha nt’äw.
your husbands hair is too long, that’s why you cut his hair
Ts’àl äghann’aa?
Will you give me a spoon?
Yukon ts’än k’ànít’a, ayet kwaka, äjù mbür yeníłi.
I am flying to the Yukon, that’s why I don’t want a knife.
Nųchų kulį k’e, nt’ąy dätthäw ghàkech’e.
In the fall time, the leaves are all yellow.
Shär shaw kwädhü äjù tląyą ch’äw sothän.
Bear hide is not really good
Tthe uyets’eghò yè äjù ye dadú’el
I don’t know what I will do with a sharpening stone
Shirly udhü yè ajesädla.
Shirley works with her hide
äjù, uzdi ghà khadút’äw.
No, I will not cut off the Caribou hair.
Ntsį yè ładįya.
You hunt with your nose.
Äjù ukų̀ t’àt yädäch’äl, kanday kwäta däkwäkada kwäk’u yū yädäch’äl.
He doesn’t skin in his house, he skins the moose in the bush near Haines Junction
Yuk’e k’e udzi gha nt’äw
You cut the caribou hair in the winter
Käjän gá tadígèt”
I scrape 5 rabbit
Ts’àl yè nghòa?
Do you shave with a spoon?
Dän zhǜr ätlą ts’eshanätsi.
People pick a lot of berries.
Sambay dhü dì jännach’ür t’àt näts’elè.
Put the salmon skin down in black tea
ntà nkų̀ t’àt ädaa?
Is your dad sitting in your house?
Shirly uts’än nùúnji.
I will help Shirly
Thechal ye khaít’äw na.
I cut it off with a scraper.