How People Interact with Search Engines- Ch.2
How Search Engines Operate -Ch. 1
Why SEO is Necessary- Ch. 3
I want to book a facial, I want to buy a song, I want to play a trailer
What is Transnational Queries
What are the two major functions of search engines?
What is 1) Crawling and building an index 2) providing users with a ranked list of websites determined to be relevant
Give a high level description of how search engines operate
What is automated search bots crawl the web, follow links, and index content in massive databases.
Who's primary responsibility is to serve relevant results to the users?
What is The Search Engines'
automated robots, called "crawlers" or "spiders," decipher the code from unique documents and store selected pieces in massive databases, to be recalled later when needed for a search query
What is link structures
How to search algorithms measure metrics of relevance and importance?
What is search algorithms measure metrics by tracking what people do with content consumed- what they discover, react, comment, and link to. So, you can’t just build a perfect website and write great content; you also have to get that content shared and talked about.
How much will be spent on online marketing in 2016?
What is $77billion
What 2 major factors determine rankings when a person performs a search query?
What is relevance and popularity
What is the total average click-through rate for first ten SEO results of a Google SERP?
What is 52.32% on Google (back in 2011)
Search algorithms are comprised of hundreds of variables. In the search marketing field, what are variable referred to as?
What is ranking factors
What 4 conclusions about web search and marketing through search engines can we make?
What is 1)Search is popular- growth rate of 20% per year 2) Search drives both online and offline economic activity. 3) Higher rankings in the first few results are critical to visibility. 4)Being listed at the top of the results guarantees the greatest amount of traffi and instills trust in consumers
Pages should be designed for users not search engines. What is the practice called that involves presenting different content to search engines than that displayed to users?
What is "cloaking"?
Sell me why there will always be finical incentives associated with search engine marketing
What is ...Results in positions 1, 2, and 3 receive much more traffic (higher CTRs) than results down the page, and considerably more than results on deeper pages. No matter how search changes in the future, websites and businesses will compete with one another for the user traffic and brand visibility these engines generate. The fact that so much attention goes to so few listings means that there will always be a financial incentive for search engine rankings.