'70s ABCs
Back to School
Classical Music
What Shall We Play?
Final Jeopardy

Mamma mia! This musical group's wild outfits were due to a Swedish tax law that allowed them to deduct for "non-street clothes."


The wording of the law made outfits tax deductible only if they were too wild to be worn in daily life, leading to the band's now-beloved eccentric looks.


What school subject involves the study of numbers and equations?


In the 1950s, the term new math was introduced by Max Beberman, who encouraged students to use the principles of mathematics to think about problems and draw conclusions. Previous generations were primarily taught mathematics by using memorization.


Which classical composer lost his hearing later in life?


Beethoven first performed at the age of eight. His “Ode to Joy” is the anthem for both the Council of Europe and the European Union.


A bishop is important to this game.



Which member of the Jackson 5 was the most successful?

Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was the youngest member of the Jackson 5. He is one of the best-selling music artists in history.


This 1979 sci-fi horror flick stars Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.


Director Ridley Scott has said that casting the role of Ripley came down to either Weaver or Meryl Streep.


What is the term for the vehicle commonly used to transport students to and from school?

School bus.

In the early 1930s, manufacturing company Wayne Works was credited with producing the earliest school bus, made of steel with glass windows for safety. In 1939, the University of Manhattan hosted a meeting that sets national standards for the vehicles.


On which continent did classical music originate?


Classical music began in Europe and changed dramatically from the 1500s to the 1700s. The Classical period from 1750 to 1820 brought many important changes. Music became more organized, with clear melodies and the rise of the symphony and orchestra. These changes helped shape the music we know today.


This game is called naughts and crosses in Britain.

Tic Tac Toe.


She won her third Oscar for playing Greeta Ohlsson in 1974's Murder on the Orient Express.

Ingrid Bergman. 

Bergman stars alongside Albery Finney, Lauren Bacall, and Sean Connery in the film.


What phrase is often used to describe the primary years of schooling, typically from kindergarten through fifth grade?

Elementary school.

Prior to the term elementary school, the term common school was used to refer to state-supported school systems in the first half of the 19th century. Its purpose is to prepare students with fundamental skills and knowledge to support their educational journey.


Which instrument is like the modern piano:

a) cello

b) organ

c) harpsichord


A harpsichord is a stringed instrument similar to the piano. The primary difference is that while piano strings are struck with hammers, harpsichord strings are plucked.


Tiles with dots on them are needed for this game.



1970s action hero and star of Enter the Dragon Li Jun Fan is better known by this "B" name.

Bruce Lee. 

He received the nickname Bruce from a nurse at the hospital where he was born.


What is the term for the document issued at the end of a grading period that details a student's performance in their classes?

Report card. 

The earliest report cards can be traced back to the 1830s and 40s as a way for teachers to control unruly students. These early report cards often detailed a student's behaviour, attendance, and academic performance.


Which composer is known for his ballets The Nutcracker and The Sleeping Beauty: 

a) Handel

b) Tchaikovsky

c) Chopin 


Tchaikovsky began composing music at the age of four, and some of his masterpieces were themed on Shakespearean plays.


An Italian game where you hit one ball with another if you have good aim and throw!



This 1972 musical film starring Liza Minnelli won eight Oscars but did not win Best Picture.


That year's Best Picture winner was The Godfather.


What is the term for a list of all the subjects and topics covered in a course?


The purpose of a class syllabus is for teachers to communicate with their students prior to the first class. It typically includes a teacher's expectations, what will be covered throughout the course, and deadlines for assignments.


Which country was Chopin from:

a) Ireland

b) Austria

c) Poland


Chopin made his first public musical appearance at the age of eight, performing at a charity concert. At age 11, he played for the Russian tsar.


This game uses letter tiles.



This famously driver and combative '70s tennis player had a career total of 268 wins, including 109 singles wins.

Jimmy Connors.

Connors has been quoted as saying "I wasn't going out there to win friends. I was going out there to win tennis matches."


The song "Be True to Your School" was performed by what famous band?

The Beach Boys. 

The song was featured on the Beach Boys' 1963 album Little Deuce Coupe and uses the same melody as the University of Wisconsin's fight song, "On, Wisconsin!" It reached No. 6 on the U.S. Billboard Top 100 after its release.


What is the largest stringed instrument: 

a) double bass

b) violin  

c) harp

Double bass.

The double bass measures approximately six feet tall. It plays a full octave lower than the cello.


Uses a table with holes in it and a long pole.
