1. what is an organism 2. What does diversity mean?
1. an organism is any living thing. 2. diversity means different or variety. Diversity of living things refers to how all living things are different from one another, and without difference we would not exist!
1. one 2. fifteen
1. uh 2. quinze
1. What is an independent variable? give an example 2. What is a dependent variable? give an example 3. What is a controlled variable? give an example
1. Independent varibale is the thing you CHANGE. example: amount of water 2. Dependent variable is what you are trying to MEASURE. example: how tall your plant is. 3. Controlled variable is the thing that STAYS THE SAME, so you can make comparisons. example plant 2
sixty seventy say "w"
soixante soixante-dix doo-ble vay
A. List all four of the characteristics of living things. B. What characteristics does a plant and a mudpuppy share?
A. 1. one or more cells, 2. reproduce, 3. respond, 4. grow and develop B. They both have more than one cell, they both have offspring/ reproduce, they both respond, they both start off small and grow and develop.
1. hello 2. see you soon 3. good afternoon
1. bonjour 2. a bientot 3. bon apres midi
A. List all the needs of living things. B. How does a fish get all its needs?
A. 1. nutrients and energy, 2. water, 3. air, 4. habitat. B. fish gets nutrients from eating other fish, or plants, it drinks water, its gills take in water (H2O) and take the O which is oxygen from the water to breath; just like us!
1. how are you? 2. well, thank you 3. later 4. bad 5. seventeen
1. comment va va? 2. bien, merci 3. a plus 4. mal 5. dix-sept
What is the purpose for living things to respond?
it is important to respond because organisms need to respond to dangers, such as running when they see a predator, pulling their hand away from a burning stove, or reacting to changing seasons. They also need to respond to get food, like hunting.