What did Jacob steal from Esau?
His blessing.
Who did Jacob marry second?
Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel. Who did he love more?
What book in the bible is this story from?
Why did Jacob run away?
Esau said he was going to kill him
How many years did Jacob live with Laban?
20 years
The man Jacob wrestled with said, "you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome. Therefore, you will change your name." What did Jacob change his name to?
Who promised to be with Jacob when he returned home?
Esau sold his birthright for this.
A bowl of soup?
Why did Laban make Jacob marry Leah first?
He said it is not custom for the younger daughter to get married before the oldest.
Jacob wrestled with a man and got injured? What body part got hurt?
How did the reunion of Esau and Jacob go?
Very good, they hugged and kissed
We have two brothers, Jacob and Esau, who is the firstborn and who is the second?
Esau is the firstborn. Jacob was born after.
How many years total did Jacob work for Laban?
14 years total
7 years for Rachel
7 years for Leah
The name of the son of Jacob and Leah whose line Jesus was born.
What did Jacob do when he saw Esau and his men approach?
He bowed down.
God spoke to Jacob in a dream while he was running away from home. Describe the dream.
Angels were coming and going on a ladder to heaven. God was at the top and spoke to him.
After Jacob runs away, he meets up with one of his uncles. What is his uncle's name?
How many sons and daughters did Jacob have in total?
12 sons and 1 daughter
Jacob prepared a gift for his brother Esau. He wanted to gift him 7 animals. Name 2 of them
goats, ewes, rams, camels, cows, bulls, donkeys