Baby Classes
Level 3
Level 4

What is the punchline/main point of the fish talk?

"Just like the water picks up Mr. Fishy because he as air, the water picks us up because we have air!"


The toy is thrown about __ to __ feet away during the Lift & Lower & Arm Reach skill set

3 to 4 feet in front of parent/baby


What is the proper hold for the entry and exit in level 3?

Entry: triceps hold, Exit: Reverse Armpit Hold 


A level 4 student should be able to do what skill to successfully start a level 4 class?

Jump in and swim back to the bench independently.


What is the emergency word we use for active tornado warnings and what is protocol?

"Dorothy" - Move all families to back storage rooms away from windows (may use hard objects to shield objects from head/back of neck)


What is the full breath control cue? (starts in level 3)

5-count promise - to prepare the cue

1. Open your mouth for air 

2. 123 close it 

3. 12345

4. Blow/spit it out


What two phrases do we say in sign language at the end of every baby class? One team member must perform these correctly to earn the point. 

"All done" and "Thank you". "All done" is flipping hands back and forth and "thank you" is a flat hand from the front of the chin down. 


From beginner through advanced, what are the proper steps in teaching Chicken Star Rocket?

1. Arms (bend in, straighten out, push to sides)

2. Legs (bend down, straighten out, push together)

3. Arms and legs combined


Should students move their heads or entire bodies when performing whale breaths at the wall/ during teeter totter?

Students should only move their head at their neck rather than physically moving their body in and out of the water.


What time is appropriate to start a happy out and how long should they last?

Earliest on the :5 or :6, and they should last a maximum of 1 minute for ALL levels. 


What are the 3 main things to remember for back float talk? 

1. Hold belly/ring over belly 

2. Bend legs/hide toes 

3. stretch neck back/ears in the water 


The highway talk is used to establish boundaries with parents. What are the three comparisons to compare the highway to the pool? 

1. Sit on the edge of pool/highway

2. Throw toys into the pool/highway

3. Leave child unattended at pool/highway


What are the Six Rules of Safety in Level 3?

1. Always walk behind students

2. Always enter the pool first and get out of the pool last

3. Remain within a step and an arms’ reach of the farthest student on the bench

4. Never turn your back on your class

5. Regularly scan the class

6. A student’s turn is not complete until they are securely on the safety seat


When demonstrating and manipulating the back flutter kick during the talk, the WSI should emphasize that the legs and feet should always ______ and ___________. 

Bend down and push up from under water 


If you need to call off, what are the appropriate steps to take right away? (hint: 3 things)

1. Communicate with management in a timely manner (put in wheniwork if appropriate)

2. Text the group chat with the day/time you need covered along with what levels. 

3. Check the schedule and text specific people to find covers. (Update management as that occurs)


For the epiglottal reflex talk: What and where is the epiglottis? 

Bonus: Why do we NOT teach bubbles in levels 1 and 2? 

Epiglottis is a piece of cartilage located between the opening of the lungs and stomach 

Bonus: blowing bubbles decreases survival time so we train them to hold their air when they are younger. 


How many submersions are suggested as the maximum number of submersions in level 1 when recovery is longer than 3 seconds? (Recovery is not until a baby's face and breathing return to normal)

3-6 submersions maximum


What kind of student is ready to jump in and how does a coach help the kid jump in?

A student that can turn to the wall, climb out, and demonstrate proper breath control may jump in. The coach must hold the student's one hand and hold out the other in a "high five" position. 


What things signal a coach to move a level 4 student to a level 5? (team may get 3 things to get the point)

1. Controlled nose bubbles and whale breath

2. Can sustain kicks in superman while independently getting breath with turtle arms every 5 counts

3. Can freestyle hold for 1 count with sustained kicks

4. Independent backstroke kicks with straight assisted arms

5. Independent CSR

6. Independent rollover from back to front and front to back

7. Can retrieve ring from the bottom with no goggles and minimal assistance


You are the manager/deck super and a kid just diarhhea'd in the pool. What are the steps that need to be taken in order?

Evacuate the pool safely - you are responsible for your children/you may ask another WSI to watch them momentarily.

1. WSI/closest person to the front needs to calmly alert the front desk (calmly!! but get their attention)

2. Closest to pump room: Turn off heater (using switch) until it is cool to the touch AND then the pump switch. 

3. One WSI goes to the front door to alert parents. Do not leave that area until instructed. 

4. Scoop/skim chunks out of the pool. After pump is off, let water settle and do a final sweep of the chunks. 

5. Disinfect surrounding toys and deck area with Clorox/bleach+water mix (do not get into the pool)

6. Assist management with adjusting chemicals and overall communication. 

Bonus point: How long do we typically close for a diarhhea watermelon?


Bent Elbow talk - What level/skill does this happen in and what is the talk?

Level 6 backstroke skill - A bent elbow is stronger than a straight elbow, so we use a bent arm to push after our straight arm hits the water. 


Each group member must sing a song correctly from a baby class of their choice to earn this point. Each group member must pick a different song. 

Options: Welcome/Came to Swim Today, The Tadpoles in the Pool Go, This is the way we______, Ring Around the Otter, Humpty Dumpty, Minnows/Minnows or Tadpoles/Tadpoles, Lay back/Lay Back, Babies Resting on their Backs, Babies Rolling to their Backs, Round and Round and Round We Go, Goodbye/Came to Swim Today


At what point in the water do we release the child during submersions?

At the lowest point of the submersion is where the child is released to allow them the opportunity to let the water bring them up/kick to the surface.


What is the appropriate way to teach backstroke arms in level 4?

Manipulating arms with the push and pull method. Coach holds student's arms straight to head with one hand and pushes top of head with other hand.


Every member of the team must successfully call out a graduation to earn these points (Lauren graduation 3-4).

(In a loud and clear voice) ATTENTION AQUA-TOTS!! We have a graduation!! Lauren is graduating from a level 3 to a level 4! Give it up for Lauren!!!