Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Schedules of Reinforcement

Define Positive and Negative reinforcement

positive: adding something to the environment following a specific behavior that increases the probability of that behavior occurring in the future

negative: removing something from the environment directly after the behavior that will increase the probability of that behavior occurring in the future


What does ABC stand for? Give an example

Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence


Define FR and VR schedules of reinforcement

Fixed Ratio: reinforcement provided after specific # of correct responses (ex: token economy)

Variable Ratio: reinforcement based on an AVERAGE # of responses (ex: lottery tickets)


non-contingent reinforcement

process of reinforcement based on time not behavior

ex: providing attention at regular intervals regardless of behavior


Define extinction

To cease reinforcing a previously reinforced behavior to decrease the behavior’s frequency. 

** Must be function based **


Define FI and VI schedules of reinforcement

Fixed Interval: reinforcement follows a specified amount of time (ex: music provided after 10 minutes of work)

Variable Interval: reinforcement provided after an average amount of time (ex: gummy provided after 4 mins, then 6, then 5, to average to VI5 schedule)


Describe the prompt hierarchy.

When should you use least to most versus most to least prompting?

Verbal, gestural, modeling, partial physical, full physical

most to least: useful in teaching new skills in order to build confidence

least to most: skill maintenance 


what are the potential consequences of extinction

extinction burst, spontaneous recovery, new maladaptive behaviors may occur

What is schedule thinning?

gradually reducing the rate of reinforcement to imitate one found in the natural environment


When should you do DTT? and how long should DTT last?

Within the first hour and a half of the session and it shouldn't last longer than 15-20 minutes


What code do you use for Admin?



What is ratio strain?

If the schedule is thinned too quickly, it can lead ratio strain, where the effort required for reinforcement is too large. This can lead to problem behaviors


4 factors affecting reinforcing powers (hint: DISC)

Deprivation, Immediacy, Size, Contingency

Give two ways you can record frequency data?

clicker, tally marks, etc.


What schedule is most resistant to extinction? What about least resistant?

most resistant: Variable Ratio

least resistant: CRF or FR1