what is the beginning
what is the middle
What is the end?

1. I don't want pizza again for a long time. 

2. I ate ten pieces of pizza. 

3. Later that night, I got sick. 

4. I felt very full. 

2. I ate ten pieces of pizza.


1. They used a ladder to reach the cat.

 2. Mom called the fire department.

 3. My cat was stuck in a tall tree. 

2. Mom called the fire department.


a. The pigs built their homes. 

b. Pig 1 runs to his brothers house. 

c. The pigs leave home 

d. The wolf comes down the chimney.

d. The wolf comes down the chimney.


a. My dog and I went to the park. 

 b. It started to rain.  

c. My dog barked at the squirrel. 

 d. We went home.

A. My dog and I went to the park.


When you're up to bat in baseball, you have to do a lot of things. First, you have to grab your bat and run to the plate. Once you get to the plate, you have to line your feet up with the plate. Next, you do a bat check, re-adjust your feet, and bring the bat up. Finally, you watch the ball out of the pitcher's hand and then swing away. 

You do a bat check and re-adjust your feet. You bring up the bat.


a. There are blossoms on the tree.  

b. In the fall, they are large and ripe. 

c. An apple seed lays under the ground all winter. 

d. The apples are where the blossoms were.

b. In the fall, they are large and ripe


If vegetables are to be added, they should be already cooked, seasoned and hot. Place the vegetables in the center of the omelet, with mushroom, shrimps, or any cooked ingredients. All omelets should be served the moment they are done, as they harden by standing. 

What do you do before adding vegetables? 

a. Cook them 

b. Cook the eggs 

c. Get the pan hot 

d. Add butter

a. Cook them


She swam back and forth in the pool. Susan swam like a fish for hours. When she got out of the pool, she saw that she was sunburned. She didn't know you could get sunburned while in the water! 

Susan swam for hours.


a. Put my dog in the water. 

b. Dry him off with a towel. 

c. Fill a tub with water and get a towel. 

d. Wash the suds off the dog. 

e. Now catch my dog. 

f. Rub the suds all over my dog.

b. Dry him off with a towel.


When he finally returned home, he went to work for another chemist for a few months. One day he cut his hand badly when a glass bottle of poisonous chemicals he was holding broke. After he was well again, his father loaned him the money to open his own small chemist shop. 

a. He finally returned home


Dear Julie, I am having a great time! This morning we went to a three-story mall! Then, we got lunch at a fancy restaurant downtown. After that, me and grandma went to see a movie. I miss you! 

Love, Haley 

We got lunch at a fancy restaurant downtown.


a. Cut the lemon. 

b. Add sugar. 

c. Mix it all together. 

d. Make a lemonade stand. 

e. Add water and ice cubes. 

f. Squeeze the lemon juice into a pitcher. 

c. Mix it all together.


(1)Slice six cups of apples. (2)Put the crust in the pie plate. (3)Spread the sliced apples over the crust. (4)Put the sugar and butter on top of the apples. 

 a. Get out the sugar and the butter. 

 b. Put the pie in the oven. 

 c. Cut the pie into six pieces. 

 d. Put a crust on top of the sugar and butter.

 e. Slice six cups of apples

e. Slice six cups of apples


This morning I got up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Then, I got on the bus and went to school. After school, I rode the bus home and did my homework.

I got on the bus and went to school.


1. I don't want pizza again for a long time.

2. I ate ten pieces of pizza.

3. Later that night, I got sick.

4. I felt very full. 

3. Later that night, I got sick.