What is a PCA?
Personal Care attendant
How many residents are in Sequoia?
What Building are we in?
Sequoia Building
What is your Activity Coordinator's full name?
Elise Orozco
What does a PCA do?
How old is Marge?
96 turning 97 in MAY
Who is our building DIRECTOR?
What activity is M-F at 9:30am?
Who sits in the offices by the front desk?
Melina and Sara
Who is our oldest resident?
How many times a year do we have fire drills?
4 times a year. Every 3 months!
1.Exercise 2.Bingo 3.Evening movies
How many staff members does Sequoia Have? Housekeeping included
What resident has been here the longest?
Katie! Since 2017
How many patios does Sequoia have?
5 patios
What is the purpose of an activity coordinator?
To improve Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, and Social functioning in our residents daily living!
What staff member has been here the longest?
Who had a job as a florist?
Grace Norett
How many Hallways does Sequioa have?
This Sequoia activity improves a key brain pathway that plays a role in learning and memory! It can also help improve/regulate moods. HINT: Use your senses