You are smart
Tú eres listo / inteligente
I am boring
Yo soy aburrido
My friend is shy
The cat is skillful / skilled
Yo soy sociable
He is mean / unfriendly
Él es antipático / gruñon
Nosotros somos divertidos
We are fun
Mi hermana es egoísta
My sister is selfish
honesto / honrado
deshonesto / tramposo
We are clumsy
Nosotros somos torpes
They are polite
- feminino, plural
Ellas son educadas
Mis hermanos son desordenados
My brothers are untidy / messy / disorganized
(OR my siblings)
José es cabezón.
José is stubborn
mal educado
She is brave
Ella es valiente
You all are cowardly / fearful
- informal / España & Guinea Ecuatorial
Los estudiantes son listos
The students are smart
Elles son pesimistas
They are negative / pessimistic
- masculino, plural
Ellos son ordenados
You all are faithful / loyal
-Formal / Latinoamérica
Ustedes son leales / fieles
Susana y tu sois vagas / perezosas
Susana and you are lazy
Los chicos son tranquilos
The children are calm
(OR the boys)
vago / perezoso