After Hours

*The breed of canine was adopted by the family of a service award recipient originated in this Swiss town. 

What is Bern? Bernese Mountain Dog


The Former Design Manager and Current Engineering Director has two PE licenses, which are they. 

What are Civil and Geotechnical Engineering. 


*This adventure capital is where a service award recipient had an encounter with search and rescue while mountain biking 

Where is Moab


This geotechnical engineer was in the design division for over 3650 days. 

Who is Serge Terentieff?


@In addition to being an Ontario travel industry acronym, this is the name Jin Lin's furry feline friend.

What is Tico?


The falcon headed Egyptian is the god of kingship, healing, protection, the sun, and the sky. It is also Name of mechanical engineer Jin Lin's canine friend.  

Who is Horus or Hor? 


Jin Lin proposed to his wife Rachel in this college town known for the birthplace of Robert Oppenheimer and the free speech movement. 

What is Berkeley CA?


@This many months ago, a star was born into the lives of a service award recipient's family.

What is 4?


An Olympian from Lafayette CA is competing in Paris in this fast-moving sport that our own electrical engineer Jong Lee also practices. 

What is kite surfing?


+Every winter, a Design engineer slows down to relax and blow off steam at this type of warm destination in nature. 

What is a hot spring?


The year Jong Lee started at the district, this famous Hawaiian ascended to the highest ranks.... Just don't ask him for his Birth Certificate.

Who is Barack Obama


Every spring, a Design engineer Jong sets up camp at this 7th natural wonder of the world. 

What is the Grand Canyon? 


Mike Parvizi discovered this this delicious and exotic dish while traveling abroad. Its two main ingredients are these

What are cheese and bread. 


#This is the only gaming console that an ICS engineer uses to play video games

What is Atari?


#The world's first winemaking may have taken place 8,000 years ago in this Black Sea country where a Design engineer went on vacation.  

What is Georgia?


This Engineer rode 545 miles from San Francisco to LA to end the Aids epidemic in 2023. 

Who is Mike Parvizi.