Helathcare Serial Killers
Serial Killers That Leave Behind Clues
Ancient Serial Killers
Power and Control Serial Killers
Socialization of a Serial Killer
Though there are more cases of female serial killer nurses there is a higher percentage of male nurses killing.
What gender of nurses have a higher percentage to be serial killers?
What do the Son of Sam, Zodiac Killer, Black Dhalia and the DC Sniper serial killers have in common?
They left behind clues.
Ancient Serial Killers: werewolves, witches, ______
What are vampires.
The main objective for this type of killer is to ____ over the victim
Gain and exert power
_________ cruelty along with bedwetting and acts of arson are frequently found in the behavioral history of serial killers when they were children.
What is Animal.
Over dosage of insulin is most common to kill patients or other cardiac arrest inducing drugs.
What is a common drug that healthcare serial killers use?
What is the most common type of clue left by serial killers? A. written note B. writings on deceased body C. phone calls D. items with symbolic meanings
A. A written note.
______ is the practice of feeding on blood.
What is hematophagy
Sometimes abused as children, leaving them with feelings of powerlessness and inadequacy as adults.
What is the cause of most power and control killers
The single most common factor attributed to serial killers is the likely absence of _________ bonding.
What is Infant.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy, an severe attention seeking disorder, in the case, killing for attention. A nurse once convinced a doctor to remove her perfectly healthy appendix for attention.
What is a common trait in female nurses that kill?
What is the second most common type of clue left by serial killers? A. writings on deceased body B. phone calls C. items with symbolic meanings
B. Phone Calls
_____ were known to be pure and were used in rituals as sacrifices by witches.
What are babies
Staging of the body, nothing left behind that the killer didn't want to leave behind, little or no forensic evidence
What is the crime scene of a power/control killer look like
Physical trauma, particularly ______ injuries, is evident in the childhood histories of many serial killers.
What is head.
Has moved from one facility to another, seems to crave attention, tries to prevent others from checking on patients, and hangs around during the immediate death investigation.
What are some red flags for a healthcare serial killer?
Serial killers leave behind clues to give themselves an identity and strike fear into the public.
What is the purpose clues.
The Vampire Diaries: Damon Salvatore is a ______ Tyler Lockwood is a ______ Bonnie Bennett is a ______
What is vampire; werewolf; witch
Depersonalizes victim, after death, killer often returns to the body, or keeps it.
What is the victimology of a power/control killer
An FBI sexual serial killer study showed that ___ % of the study subjects were “accident prone” in childhood.
What is 29%.
early 1900's. 1896-A man built a 3 story hotel with sound proof walls. He put peepholes in to watch his victims die from asphyxiation then sold their bones to local medical hospitals 1905- A woman built her own healthcare facility and starved her patients to death to inherit their fortune. Not many patients lived.
What century is the most barbaric of healthcare cases?
What is the most common content in the evidences left behind by serial killers? A. clues to another killing B. psycho ramblings C. threats to a certain person/ people D. clues to who their next target/ victim is
D. Clues to who their next target/victim is
The professed ability or power of a human being to transform into a wolf, or to gain wolf-like characteristics.
What is lycanthropy
Who is an example of a power and control killer -Ted Bundy -Jeffrey Dahmer -John Wayne Gacy
Who is Ted Bundy
At least seven male serial killers, including Charles Manson, are know to have dressed as ______ in their childhood.
What is Girls.