REITS, DPPS, Hedge Funds
Suitability and Analysis
Markets, Orders, Execution, Margin
Transaction Settlement and Resolutions

These options positions have the right or obligation to sell shares at a set price until expiration

Put Buyer and Call Seller


On an annual basis, REITs must distribute at least this percentage of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends



This type of investor would concern themselves with the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows when making an investment decision

Fundamental Analyst 


Both sides of a market maker's quote must be available for a normal trading unit (100 shares) also known as this

Round Lot


Adjusted on May 28th, 2024, regular way settlement for stocks, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and agency bond trades

T + 1


The customer must sign and return the Options Agreement within 15 days of account approval. If the customer does not return the options agreement, they are only allowed to engage in this type of transaction

Closing existing options positions


In relation to a limited partnership, general partners must approve limited partners to participate through a review of this document completed by the interested party

Subscription Agreement


These are stocks in manufacturing companies, automobiles, and other high-ticket consumer items. Best to invest in these when the economy is growing.

Cyclical Stocks


The DMM employs this action as a courtesy to public customers by guaranteeing a customer a specific price for a transaction, while giving the customer the opportunity to find a better price elsewhere

Stopping Stock


Most securities are held in this form, which means the owner’s name and amount of ownership is logged on the books of the issuer

Registered Form


The amount of loan value a standard options contract has, expressed as a percentage



Partnerships fill out Form 1065 as an informational return and provide this form to each partner which details their share of the partnership income and losses to be reported on their personal tax return and the partnership’s calculation of their tax basis 

Schedule K-1


This tool helps investors determine how much they can expect to earn on an investment given the amount of risk assumed.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)


This occurs when there is a failure to maintain or honor firm quotes. Regulators use automated market surveillance tools to scan the market in real time to detect this serious violation

Backing Away


This type of security is a stock or bond certificate on which the owner’s or the issuer’s name is not legible because of damage or some other reason. It is not considered in good delivery until appropriately authenticated by the trustee, registrar, transfer agent, or issuer.

Mutilated Security


An options position where an investor writes more than one call option for every 100 shares of stock they own

Ratio Write


This oil and gas limited partnership program drills near proven oil reserves and is considered to be in the moderate to high risk level

Developmental Programs "Step-Out Wells"


Founded by this man, Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) posits that investors can maximize expected returns by diversifying their investments based on the level of risk they are willing to assume

Harry Markowitz


Specific financial minimums and disclosures are set forth by this market in the Securities Exchange Act Rule 15c2-11 which is the 'venture market' for entrepreneurial and development stage U.S. and international companies

OTCQB (Over The Counter Bulletin Board Qualified)


In order the general lifecycle of a trade

1. Order Entry 2. Execution 3. Clearing 4. Settlement 5. Custody


A portfolio of $6,000,000 has a beta of 1.2. If an investor wishes to protect the portfolio from downside risk using SPX 2000 puts, this many puts should be purchased



These two CMO tranches are created by stripping mortgage payments into separate categories

Principal-only (PO) and Interest Only (IO)


The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index also known as this, is a broad bond index that covers most U.S. traded bonds and some foreign bonds traded in the U.S.

The BarCap Aggregate


Pattern day traders are subject to special margin requirements including: minimum equity of $25,000 at all times and a maximum purchasing power of 4x maintenance margin excess at any time during the trading day. This is defined as the difference between these items

Equity and the minimum maintenance requirement


Parties to the arbitration are notified by FINRA of the time and place of the arbitration at least this many days before the hearing unless the parties agree to meet sooner.

20 Days