Describe the process for accessing USCC cases that are necessary to retrieve once Service Cloud goes live. For example, AE/PQC/Legal cases.
What is • If you need the previous service request from USCC to manage a current call, IM your Supervisor or other team member who has read access only to USCC, and request that they e-mail you the SR asap. (Place the customer on hold or let the customer know that you will call them back.)
• If the service request from USCC is not immediately necessary for the management of the customer inquiry, send an email to your supervisor or member of your team that has read only access to USCC to request that they email you the service request.
• Attach the USCC SR to the Service Cloud case
• Document the previous USCC Service Request number in Service Cloud notes, and also document the USCC service request is attached to the case, and proceed with management of the case through to resolution.