Adverse Events

Once you locate a Person or Business Account, what must you do before adding either account to the Interaction?

What is Verify the address of the Person Account or Business Account prior to adding it to the Interaction, to ensure you are selecting the correct account.


In Service Cloud, the solution is called what?

What is an article


What is the difference between an interaction and a case?

What is An Interaction is the “parent” Case created for the call itself, whereas a separate “child” Case is created for each customer request.

"Dechallenge" and "Rechallenge" Questions only need to be asked, if a caller answers "Yes" to this question.

What is "Was Therapy Discontinued?"


After choosing a template for letter creation, you open the letter in Microsoft Word and make appropriate edits to it. What steps do you take next?

What is You need to save the updated letter to your desktop. Find it through the browse feature and click continue.


When adding a new HCP, HBP, or Business Accounts, you need to select a type and a _______ _______ of the account.

What is sub type.


What is a very important step to complete after you find the article and click the attach button?

What is close the search or else the article will not attach.


Do you have to complete a data change request for a provider calling in with a new specialty?

What is Yes


If a PSP agent calls in Adverse Experience report on a patient (consumer), then the Primary reporter in the AE description would be.... 

Who is "The patient (consumer)"


After you’ve added all case details to a request, have created/attached the letter, and have added instructions for the Mail Team, what do you have to do next to ensure the letter is mailed out?

What is change ownership to the Mail Team queue so that the letter will go out. (Note: AE cases should always be closed before changing ownership to the Mail Team queue)


When adding a new customer or Merck employee to the system, you will not have to select a sub-type for the account if the person falls under the _________ or ___________ category

What is consumer or employee


True or False. Attach an article for each customer inquiry asked

What is True


When adding a new HBP, HCP and Business Accounts, this process step is need in order for the Account Status to change from "Need More Info" to "Pending" Status.

What is choosing the "DCR Ready" Status drop down to "YES" in the Account Detail. 


If a detail field does not apply to the AE, or the reporter does not provide the information, what three phrases can be entered into the field?

What is Not Applicable, Unknown by Reporter or Refused to Answer. Remember, fields cannot be left blank or completed as just ‘Unknown.’


What is the difference between a general email and a Case Details DDP email?

When you need to send the entire case that includes all of the case details, you will click send letter to create a Case Details DDP email. The entire case will get attached to the DDP template. By sending a general email, this includes product details, customer information but not notes. You click send email. Important reminder: Be sure to read the article on when to use a DDP template or a regular email.


Once you enter in a new address, you have to wait until it’s validated to use the address in an Interaction. True or False

What is False. You can use the new address immediately in the Interaction, even though the address hasn’t gone through a validation process.


Best practice when looking for an article to find for the case is to search how?

What is by using a Keyword (Subtype and Category drop-downs can also be used to narrow down search)


What check box would you mark off if a customer did not wish to receive a customer satisfaction survey for the call they are currently on?

What is the Do not Survey box under the interaction log


What should be done if a customer calls back for a follow-up regarding a closed AE/Legal Case?

Find the original case, add new note, get someone to open the case for you and then email the entire case via DDP to Legal


True or False? After sending an email with an attachment, that attachment can’t be deleted

What is True


When entering the zip code for a new address in the Service Cloud, the city and state fields will automatically populate.

What is True. Entering the zip code will cause the city and state fields to auto-populate. You will need to choose the correct city and state.


If an article contains questions, how should the customer’s answers to those questions be captured?

What is Questions contained in an article are automatically transferred to Case Notes when the article is added to the case.


What check box would you mark off if a customer did not wish to receive a customer satisfaction survey ever?

What is go to the account details screen within the contact information section and click the Survey Opt out checkbox.


Why is it important to choose the AE type and then hit save?

For certain AE types, Not applicable will automatically flood in for those questions that do not need to be asked. In the event that you hit save and then you need to update the type, you can update it but the Not Applicable fields will be blank.


When trying to understand where an email should be sent, what email template to use and what template folder to look in when sending an email, where will you find this guidance?

What is It will be contained within the article