On behalf of their community members
Average age of community members
This dollar amount is the average monthly costs to have a homemaker/home health services in the community members home
$2, 275
Employment, income, expenses, debt, medial bills, support is what social determinants of health
Economic stability
For community members on available community-based services, and can answer any questions
This percent of community members with Service Coordinators continued to live independently in 2021
This dollar amount is the monthly rent subsidy that a community member saves
Housing , transportation, safety, parks, playgrounds, walkability, is what social determinants of health
Neighborhood and physical environment
Of wellness and other educational programs for community members
This number of service interactions
11 million
Average monthly dollar amount for SNAP benefits
Literacy, language, early childhood education, vocational training, higher education is what social determinants of health
Community and social context
Who empower community members to be as independent as possible
This number is the medical conditions reported by community members
1.3 million
Average monthly dollar amount to have a service coordinator
Health coverage, provider availability, provider linguistic and cultural competency, quality of care, is what social determents of health
Health care systems
Who follow up with services provided to community members
This percent is how much less it costs nationally for older adults to live independently instead of i a nursing home
Maintaining a low-income older adult in their own home though accessing benefits and community-based supports and services saves the tax payers this dollar amount every month.
$4, 493
Mortality, morbidity, life expectancy, health care expenditures, health status, functional limitations is what social determents of health
Health outcomes