Canvas and UTLearn
Apps and Infra

What is the symbol to look out for when searching for someone's EID?

What is... The red triangle with a black exclamation.


Who is eligible to access the utexas wifi?

50 Point Bonus: Are these same users allowed to access the VPN as well or is there a different set of users that have VPN access?

What is... Current and Future Student, Faculty, Staff, and Employee, Retiree, Official Visitor, Extension Studies Participant, and an affiliate with the NWA entitlement.

Bonus: The group of affiliations above have access to the VPN (no other affiliations). You can see this list on KB0016550.


What are the two types of UTMail accounts? What are the differences between the two? (for every difference, you get 20 points)

What is... Personal and Business UTmail Accounts.


Personal accounts are... life long accounts, only current, former, and future students can create this type of account, retirees are eligible to create this type of account...

Business accounts are... temporary accounts, deleted after the owner leaves the university, can be converted to personal accounts for retirees or students (those who are eligible for a personal account), require Google's 2FA...


What kind of courses are students usually needing to take on UTLearn? 

What is... OH courses. These courses are held by the EHS Department. There is more information and an OH course list located on ehs.utexas.edu


What assignment group do you escalate tickets that have a short description similar to the one below:

"New user (DBAMD) added to *DPUSER (PROD)"?

What is... SD-Mainframe and TID Printing


Someone calls in and says that they are trying to order transcripts, but they get the error that "their EID is not authorized to access this site". They say that they took classes in high school. What should you do to help them order their transcripts? 

What is... Give them the number to the program they took the courses with (OnRamps, UT High School, etc.) or take them to the transcript order form on the Registrar's page.


What two types of funds can users have on UTPrint? Where are they restricted to using these funds at?

What is... Bevo Bucks and Library Funds. Bevo Bucks can be used to print at any UT printer, but Library Funds can only be used at libraries.


What are the steps for opening a resource account mailbox? (shared outlook email)

50 Point Bonus: Who will they need to contact if they are not able to access the mailbox?

What is... 

1) Log into your Outlook account with your EID and password and authenticate with DUO.

2) Click the account icon that is located in the right hand corner.

3) Click "Open another mailbox".

4) Type in the email for the resource account.

If they have access to the account, the mailbox will now open. 

Bonus: If it does not open, they will need to be given access by the manager of the resource account. You can ask Tier 2 about who the owner is for these accounts.


When does a CWU entitlement become active?

What is... 8AM the next business day.

If the entitlement is given on a Friday, it will be active at 8AM on Monday. 

Also, remember that a CWU entitlement doesn't give them access to the course they need, it only gives them access to Canvas. They will need to tell their instructor to add them to a specific course in order for them to have access to that course.


What is the limit on surveys and responses within a student's Qualtrics account?

What is... 1,000 surveys/responses.

If they need more than this limit, they can use their professors account to create the survey or if they are also an employee, we can change their Qualtrics account to get unlimited surveys/responses, but they will have to abide by the ADA rules that employees must follow.

The requirements for employee surveys:

1. Your survey cannot require participation

2. Your survey cannot be taken by students

3. Your survey must be taken by 10 or fewer people

4. The information gathered by the inaccessible question is critical to the results of your survey

5. The information gathered by the inaccessible question could not be obtained through any of the accessible question types


Someone calls wanting to reset their password for their EID. You look them up and they have a guest EID. You see their name, but there is no date of birth listed. What do you do?

What is... Send a message in slack to the Team-TCS channel asking if there is any additional information on file for that EID. If there is, they will respond with an address. You will then ask the customer what address is on file and if they say the one that was provided, then you can reset their password.


What network will the user be connected to when registering a wireless device through the network.utexas.edu self-registration portal?

What is... The utexas-IOT network. The steps on how to connected are below: 

From a network-connected device: 

  1. Go to https://network.utexas.edu
  2. Log in with your UT EID (via UTLogin)
  3. Click the "Register Wireless Device" button
  4. Enter your device's MAC address and a description, and click the "Register" button
  5. Make note of the WPA2 key generated (will be unique for each device you register)

On the IOT device:

  1. Select utexas-iot from the available wireless networks
  2. Enter the WPA2 key provided to you in step 5 above

When setting up a conference call, how many minutes need to be between each scheduled call?

What is... 15 minutes. 

For example if there is a request for a call from 2PM-3PM, you could put it after a 12PM-1:45PM call, but you could not put it after a 1PM-2PM call. You always want to have 15 minutes in between each scheduled call to prevent any overlaps of people on the same line.


Someone calls and they need to take a course within UTLearn. They are a current student, but a former employee. Their account is inactive. What is the template called that you will use to include everything needed in the work notes? 

What is... Tier 1 UTLearn Template.

This is important: This work notes template is needed in EVERY UTLearn issue that needs to be escalated!!!


What information do you need from the user to be able to escalate their ticket requesting a departmental UTBox account? 

What is... 

1) Departmental EID

2) UTLists Email Account (Shared email)

You will need them to create a UTLists email account that will be attached to the departmental EID. Then they will need to create a guest/departmental EID that is NOT tied to anyone's personal information. They will need to add the UTLists email account to the departmental EID account. Once they do this, they can reply to the ticket with the EID and the email account and you can escalate the ticket to Tier 2, so that the Box account can be created.


You get a ticket that says "I am locked out of the UT Directory. Please unlock me. I need to search for people for my research!" What do you tell this person?

What is... 

1) We are unable to unlock these locks because they are timed locks. 

2) It will last for 3 days from your last search. 

3) Directory limit: 50 searches within 1 hour on any network -- 500 searches within 1 hour on the utexas network. 

4) The only way to bypass the lock is to search the directory when using the utexas VPN.


What are the steps for enabling a quarantined (disabled) account? 

What is... 

1) Verify their name and date of birth

2) Confirm what type of quarantine is on their device (MAC, PC, or EID)

3) Confirm if the device is personal or departmental

4) If the device is departmental, you can send the user to their desktop support team. If the device is personal, you can confirm if this is the first time the user has been quarantined and confirm that they have ran a virus scanner. If it is the 2nd time the device has been quarantined, have the user run a different virus scanner. If this is the 3rd or more time the device has been quarantined, the user will need to get their device reformatted.

5) Remove the quarantine based on the troubleshooting steps you completed in step 4.


What form can a former affiliate fill out to get extended access to their Office 365 account?

What is... The EML entitlement form


What are the steps you will give to a student when a course is not appearing on their Canvas dashboard? 

What is...

1. Visit canvas.utexas.edu and log in with your EID and password

2. Click on "Courses" on the left-hand menu

3. Click on "All Courses"

4. Once you find the course, click the star on the side of that course to add it to your dashboard.

If they do not see the course it could be because the course is not yet published by the professor or they have just been added to the course and need to give it 24 hours to appear in their courses.


When you are working on a ticket concerning TID Printers, what needs to be in the short description of the ticket?

What is... The TID Printer number. 

If they do not know the TID Printer number then get the IP address.


You receive a ticket from a student who says that they are unable to access DUO because they cannot use their US phone that is connected to their account while in a foreign country. What steps would you take to help them get access to DUO? (4 steps)

What is... 

1) Tell them to call into our Service Desk OR Schedule a Google Hangout/Facetime if they are unable to call in. 

2) Verify their identity (7 out of 10 questions). 

3) Delete the US phone on their account. 

4) Walk them through adding their foreign phone number to their account. 

5) Make sure they are able to get a call, text, or push to the new device. 


What is the name of the installer that we recommend that people download if we are unable (after troubleshooting) to get their device to authenticate using the certificate utexas requires? 

What is... Cloudpath installer. You can find it at cloudpath.gw.utexas.edu (KB0016550).


Someone calls and says that they want to change the name of their Office 365 (Exchange) email address, what steps do you give the customer to enable them to make this change?

What is...

1) Visit office365.austin.utexas.edu

2) Click on "Office 365 Management"

3) Log in with your EID and password and authenticate with DUO

4) In the "My Mailbox" tab under "Secondary mail addresses", add the email address you are wanting as the new address name.

5) Once the name is added to the list, click the lock icon next to the primary email address.

6) Click the drop down of the address under "Primary mail address" and choose which address you would like to keep as your primary address.

7) Click "Save".

Now your email address has been updated and the address listed in the "Secondary mail addresses" section will forward to your mailbox.


What are 2 programs/departments that use different instances of Canvas to access their content?

What is... University Extensions, OnRamps, UT High School, Center for Professional Education (CPE), Center for Lifelong Engineering Education (CLEE), IC2, Dana Center, International Office (ESL), UTeach Natural Science, and UTeach Engineering.


A former employee calls requesting access to his old UTBox files. His affiliation changed to former 20 days ago. What are the basic steps we will need to take to be able to escalate his request to Tier 2?

What is...

1) Let the customer know the steps we first need to take in order to get them access to the Box files.

2) Add their supervisor into the watch list and ask for their approval to give the files to the requestor.

3) Once you have received approval from the supervisor, you can now escalate to Tier 2. (Make sure to update the work notes with any information including the names of the files they are wanting.)

Tier 2 then sends the ticket to ISO and they provide the user with the files they are requesting.