ServSafe 1
ServSafe 2
ServSafe 3
ServSafe 4
ServSafe 5
Contaminants that include viurses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. They are the leading cause of foodborne illness.
What are Biological Contaminants?

This is when a product is frozen, defrosted, then frozen again.

Freezer burn

Water that is safe to drink.
What is Potable Water?
Microorganisms that cause illness.
What are Pathogens?
People that carry pathogens and infect others without ever getting sick themselves.
What are Carriers?
A products path through the establishment, from purchasing and receiving through storing, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving.
What is the Flow of Food?
These areas are used to hold dry and canned food.
What is Dry Storage?
The process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface, such as a countertop or plate.
What is Cleaning?
When allergens are transferred from food containing an allergen to the food served to the customer.
What is Cross-Contact?

Shelving should be how many inches off the floor?


This type of thermometer measures temperature through a metal probe with a sensor toward the end.
What is a Bimetallic Stemmed Thermometer?
Tags that document where the shellfish was harvested. these tags must remain attached to the delivery container until all of the shellfish have been used. Must be kept for 90 days after the last item has been used.
What is Shellstock Identification Tags?

When placing thermometers in the fridge they should be placed where?

Warmest part of the fridge/front.


Food Safety management system based on the idea that if significant biological, chemical, or physical hazards identified at specific points within product's flow through the operation, the can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to safe levels. 

What is HACCP


Equipment that is permanently placed on a table should be how many inches for ease of cleaning?

4 inches

Term used when pests have come into the facility in large numbers.
What is an Infestation?
Detergents that contain a grease-dissolving agent.
What are Degreasers?

Conduct restaurant and foodservice inspections in most states. They generally are trained in food safety, sanitation, and public health principles.

What are Health Inspectors?


What is FIFO?

First in First out

The process of reducing the number of microorganisms on the surface of clean dishes and equipment to safe levels.
What is Sanitizing?
The three most common types of these are chlorine, iodine, and quaternary ammonium compounds (quats).
What Chemical Sanitizers?

The categories of people at high risk for foodborne illness.

What are Infants and Preschool-age children, Pregnant women, Elderly people, and other people with Compromised Immune Systems?


If potato salad was made on October 15th when should it be discarded?

Oct 21st

Bacteria most commonly lined to foods such as raw meat, unpasteurized dairy products, and ready to eat foods, such as deli meat, hot dogs, and soft cheeses.
What is Listeria?

Food should not be stored where?

Give me 3 out of 5

Locker Rooms or Dressing Rooms

Restrooms or garbage rooms

Mechanical Rooms

Under unshielded sewer lines or leaking water lines

Under stairwells