FBI - This acronym stands for The Federal Bureau of Investigation, but in terms of Food Safety it stands for...
Food Borne Illness
Elderly people at a higher risk for foodborne illnesses because of this.
Their immune systems have weakened with age
What must food handlers to after touching their hair, face, or body?
Wash your hands
Eggs and peanuts are dangerous for people with which condition?
Food Allergies
Metal tools such as a spatula, wisk, or tongs should never be used on a Non-Stick Pan due to risk of what?
Metal Poisoning.
Small bits of nonstick coating will scratch off and get into your food.
The steps you take to make sure you are clean which in turn makes sure the food you work with isnt being contaminated is called this.
Personal Hygiene
Their immune systems haven't been built up enough yet, so they are more susceptible to food borne illness.
Children from ages 0-4.
Having a virus means that you might have symptoms such as Coughing, Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea.
What should you NOT do if you have these symptoms?
Go to work (or school). Stay home and rest!
We use fresh and clean tools when preparing food for someone with an allergy to avoid this...
Cross Contact Contamination - The contamination of an allergen.
The method to prevent food allergens from being transferred to food.
Cleaning and Sanitizing utensils before use.
Using the same cutting board to cut raw chicken, flipping it over, then cutting up salad on it is an example of what?
Cross Contamination
What grows well between temperatures 41 f to 135 f (5C to 57 C)?
Also referred to as "The Danger Zone" which is the name of the hit song by Kenny Loggins.
We remember "The Danger Zone" as 40-140 - look for questions or answers that have this range.. chances are this might be the correct answer if the question is about food temperatures!
What should food handlers do with their uniform before using the restrooms?
Take off your apron!
Complex (but still very small) life forms that can enter your body through poorly cooked, stored, or handled food. They dont grow in food, they live in a host organism.
A worker who wears gloves should wash their hands when?
Every time they put on a new pair of gloves.
Foods that are left within dangerous temperatures for more than 4 hours have experienced this.
Time Temperature Abuse
Hand antiseptics (sanitizer) should only be used at what time?
After washing hands
Cooking tomato sauce in a copper pot can cause which foodborne illness?
What is Toxic-metal poisoning
Poultry needs to be cooked to 165*F.
Use this tool, to check the temperature.
Immersion Probe
The three keys to food safety are practicing good personal hygiene, preventing cross-contamination, and
Time-Temperature Control (TTC)
The three categories of food safety hazards or contaminats.
Biological, Physical, and Chemical
Stephanie got sent home from her job as a cake decorator because she refused to take off her bracelet, rings, and necklace. Why did her boss send her home?
Outside of wearing a plain band wedding ring. Food handlers should not wear jewelry or other accessories when working with food because contaminants can be caught on these and spread into food while working.
Biological Contaminants can include these microscopic creatures also known as Pathogens:
Bacteria, Virus', Fungus, and Parasites.
Cooking Tomatoes in a copper pot can cause which foodborne illness?
Metal Poisoning
When 2 or more people experience the same illness after eating the same food.
Foodborne illness "outbreak"
At what temperature do foodborne pathogens grow most quickly?
Between 70*F and 125*F (21*C and 52*C)
What three points should a food defense program focus on to prevent possible threats to food?
*The Human Element
*The Building Interior
*The Building Exterior
Nuts, Shellfish, Eggs, Dairy, even Tropical Fruits should never be prepared with the same cutting board & tools as other food due to fear of?
Cross Contact Contamination - Where Allergens are transferred to food through contact.
FAT TOM stands for the conditions that pathogens need to grow.
Food, Acidity, & Temperature - Time, Oxygen, & Moisture
The foods that are most susceptible to pathogen growth are considered TCS Foods - What does TCS stand for?
TCS Foods
Temperature Control for Safety