When two or more people have the same symptoms from eating the same food
What is a foodborne-illness outbreak?
What is food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen and moisture?
After clearing tables food handlers must do this
What is wash their hands?
A cutting board that has been used to prep raw chicken but now needs to be used to pre vegetable should have been this
What washed, rinsed and sanitized?
Is inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws.
What is important when choosing a food supplier?
This is why prep tables must be cleaned and sanitized between uses.
What is to prevent cross-contamination?
This is the part of the plate that a food handler should avoid touching when serving customers
What is the top of the plate?
this is a managers responsibility to actively control risk factors for foodborne illnesses.
What is active managerial control?
The is the most important food safety features to look for when selecting flooring, wall and ceiling materials
What are smooth and durable?
This is required for measuring the sanitizing rinse temperature in a high-temperature dishwashing machine
What is a maximum registering thermometer?
Examples are Sprouts, sliced melon, tofu, baked potatoes, soy proteins
What are TCS foods?
Milk, Soy, Eggs, Wheat, Fish, Crustacean shellfish, Peanuts, Tree nuts and Sesame are this
What are the 9 most common food allergens?
This is the minimum time you should scrub your hands with soap?
What is 10 seconds?
Type of temperature probe that should be used for temping chicken breast, roasted sirloin or a whole turkey.
What is a penetration probe?
Placing the thermometer stem or probe between two packages of product is the best way to temp these products
What is checking the temperature of packaged foods?
(ie. vacuumed packed meat, bags of frozen french fries, bags of frozen vegetables)
If using this defrost method, the food must be cooked immediately after thawing
What is using a microwave to thaw food?
This is how many utensils are needed on a self-service salad bar with 8 items on it
What is 8?
A pest-control program is an example of this
This organization creates national standards for foodservice equipment
What is NSF?
This is the acceptable contact time when sanitizing food-contact surfaces soaked in a chlorine solution
What is 7 seconds?
Preschool-age children, elderly people, people with compromised immune systems
What are high-risk populations?
Wheezing, hives, rashes, itching, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, swelling
What are food allergy symptoms?
This is what a food handler should do after prepping food and before using the restroom
What is take off their apron?
this type of thermometer must be inserted in food up to the dimple on the thermometer stem in order to get an accurate reading
What is a bimetallic stemmed thermometer?
This is the correct temperature for receiving cold TCS food
What is 41℉ or lower?
You have this many hours to get TCS food from 135℉ to below 70℉
What is 2 hours?
This is the maximum internal temp that a cold TCS food can be held`
What is 41℉ ?
What is using contaminated equipement?
This is minimum the space allowed between tabletop equipment and the tabletop
What is 4 inches?
What is every 4 hours?
This is an important measure for preventing foodborne illness
What is Preventing cross-contamination?
Food handlers should do this to prevent allergens from being transferred to food.
What is use clean and sanitized utensils when prepping food?
This should be done prior to putting on single use gloves
What is washing your hands?
pathogens grow most quickly in this temperature range.
What is between 70℉ and 125℉ ?
Can be recieved at 45℉ under the condition that it is cooled to 41℉ or lower within 4 hours.
What is the common practice for receiving milk?
What is time-temperature abuse?
This must be taken every time a customer returns to a self-service are for more food
What is a clean plate?
Preventing foodborne illness by controlling risks and hazards is the purpose of this
What is a food safety management system?
This is the most likely the cause of grease buildup and condensation on the walls and ceiling of an operation
this should be done daily when using sanitizer solution for use on food-contact surfaces
What is test the solution with a sanitizer kit?
Examples are salt, ice, chopped lettuce & crackers, hot held food, washed fruit
What are Ready-to-eat foods?
Where are cleaning and sanitizing supplies kept?
This should be done when changing tasks while preparing food with single use gloves.
What is wash hands and put on new gloves?
This thermometer is used to measure surface temperatures
What is an infrared thermometer?
This causes large ice crystals to form on frozen food and its packaging.
What is time-temperature abuse?
This is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water
What is 70℉ ?
This is the minimum internal temperature that hot TCS food should be held
What is 135℉?
These are the components of an active managerial control includes these
What is identifying risks, corrective action, and training?
What is a handwashing station?
This is the first step that should be done when washing dishes in a three-compartment sink
What is clean and sanitize the sinks and drain boards?
These are inadequately cooked food, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene and purchasing food from unsafe food sources
What are the 5 common risk factors that lead to foodborne illness?
Practicing good personal hygiene
What is the most important way to present a foodborne illness from viruses?
this can be caused by a food handler whose young daughter has diarrhea
What is risk of food contamination?
a thermometer must be accurate to this temperature range.
What is ±2℉ ?
This is the minimum information that should be on a label when storing food.
What is the date the food should be discarded?
This is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground turkey
What is 165℉ ?
This is the maximum amount of time that hot TCS food without temperature control can be displayed before it must be sold, served or thrown out.
What is 4 hours?
a manager asks a chef to continue cooking chicken breasts after seeing them cooked to an incorrect temperature is this type of active managerial control.
What is corrective action?
This is the only completely reliable method of preventing backflow
What is an air gap?
What is good lighting?
food requiring time and temperature control for safety
What is TCS food?
people are the most common reason for this.
What is food contamination?
This is what should be done when a food handler that has diarrhea has been diagnosed with illness from Shigella spp.
What is stay home until approved to return to work?
What is a time-temperature indicator?
This is how many days prepared food may be kept before discarding
What is 7 days?
This is the safest way to cool a stock pot of meat sauce.
What is a sink of ice water?
What is atleast 4 hours?
a manager walking around the kitchen every hour to answer questions and to see if staff members are following procedures is this type of active managerial control
What is management oversight?
The is what has happened if a food handler drops the end of a hose into a mop bucket and turns the water on to fill it
What is creating a cross-connection?
this is how flatware and utensils should be stored that are clean and sanitized
What is with handles facing up?
They have not built up strong immune systems and are at a higher risk for foodborne illness
Who are preschool-age children?
set aside the suspected product and label it with "do not use" and "do not discard"
What should be done when there is a suspected foodborne-illness outbreak?
This is what a food handler who prepares meals for a child day-care center has a sore throat with fever.
What is stay home?
after this amount of time food that has been in the temperature danger zone must be thrown out
What is 4 hours?
This is what could occur when storing raw ground turkey above, raw ground pork.
What is cross-contamination?
This food should not be served to a high-risk population.
What is raw seafood?
This is the minimum information that needs to be labeled on hot TCS food that has been packed in a heated cabinet for off-site delivery
What is use-by date and time, reheating and service instructions?
Identifying risks, monitoring, corrective action, management oversight, training and re-evaluation
What are the steps to take when implementing active managerial controls?
What is a trash dumpster?
Removing food from the surface, wash, rinse, sanitize and air dry is the correct procedure for this
What is clean and sanitize a prep table?
the Agency that regulates and inspects meat, poultry and eggs
Who is the USDA?
these are commonly linked with seafood
What are parasites?
What is sitting in a break area?
using color-coded cutting boards is one way to prevent this.
What is cross-contamination?
Food should be stored this far from the floor.
What is 6 inches?
What is 165℉ ?
These foods can be handled with bare hands
What are Non ready to eat foods that will be cooked prior to service?
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point systems are referred to as this
What is a HACCP plan?
this should be the 1st step to happen if a broken water main has caused your water to turn brown
What is contact the local regulatory authority before use?
This should always be done when pouring cleaner from its original container into a smaller container
What is label the working container with is contents?
Conducts research into the causes of the foodborne-illness outbreaks and assist in the investigating outbreaks.
What is the CDC?
This is the most important way to prevent a foodborne illness from bacteria?
What is control time and temperature?
This is what a manager of a hospital cafeteria do if a cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea
What is tell the cook to stay away from work and see a doctor?
limiting the amount of food that can be removed from a cooler for prepping is this
What is a practice that can help prevent time-temperature abuse?
This is the correct order food should be stored in a cooler.
What is ready to eat food, raw seafood, raw whole beef and pork, raw ground beef & fish, and raw whole & ground poultry?
This is the maximum time that a partially cooked food can be heated in the first part of the cooking process
What is 60 minutes?
These must be in running water at any temperature or in a container of water at 135℉ or higher
What are utensils that are stored in water between uses?
What are the 5 common risk factors for foodborne illness?
This is the best way to eliminate pests that have entered your operation
What is work with a licensed pest control operator (PCO) ?
This should contain what should be cleaned, when, by whom and how
What is a master cleaning schedule?