Food Safety
Personal Hygiene
Controlling Time and Temperature
Preventing Cross Contamination
Cleaning and Sanitizing

What are the 3 types of Hazards?

What is Biological, Chemical, Physical.


How long should the handwashing process take?

What is 20 seconds


What does TCS stand for?

What is Time Temperature Control for Safety 


What should you do if a customer has a sever allergic reaction?

What is call 911.


What is bad about garbage?

What is it can contaminate food and prep areas.


Definition of Cross Contamination

What is the transfer of pathogens.


List 3 times you should wash your hands.

What is Going to the Bathroom/Sneezing or Coughing/ Touching Clothes or Aprons/ Handling Raw Meats/ Toughing your Hair, Face, or Body/ After Eating or Drinking/ Handling Chemicals/ Clearing Tables/ Before Putting on Gloves/ Handling Animals/ Touching money or credit cards/ chewing gum/ leaving and returning to the kitchen


What is the danger zone?

What is 41°-135°


Where should chemicals be stored?

What is in their original containers/ not near food


What are the steps to cleaning and sanitizing in order?

What is scrape, wash, rinse, sanitize, air-dry


List 2 ways people make food unsafe.

What is purchasing food from unsafe sources/poor personal hygeine/Cross-Contamination/improper storage/poor cleaning and sanitizing.


What should you use to turn off the water faucet when you finish washing your hands?

What is a paper towel


List 5 TCS Foods.

What is: Milk and Dairy Products/ Poultry/ Meat: beef, pork, and lamb/ Baked Potato/ Tofu or other soy products/ Synthetic ingredients/ lunch/deli meats/ eggs/ fish/ shellfish and crustaceans/ heat-treated plant foods such as cooked rice, beans, and vegetables/ cut melons/ sprouts or micro greens/ cut leafy greens/ untreated garlic and oil mixtures 


How should glasses be stored?

What is upside down


What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing 

What is cleaning removes food and other dirt from surfaces/ sanitizing reduces pathogens on surfaces to safe levels


Definition of Time Temperature Abuse.

What is holding food at the wrong temperature.


When Should Your Gloves be changed?

What is When they become dirty or torn/after handling raw meat/ before starting a new task/ before prepping food for a guest with a known food allergy/ after an interruption 


What 3 things should be included in off site food labels?

What is name of food, use-by date and time, and reheating instructions.


List 5 of the big 9 allergens.

What is Diary, Eggs, Soy, Seafood, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Shellfish and Crustaceans, Gluten, and Sesame 


When should you clean and sanitize equipment?

What is after you're done using them/ before you start working with a different type of food/ any time you‘re interrupted during a task/ after 4 hours of constant use


List two practices that keep food safe.

What is Practice Good Personal Hygiene/ Control the Time and Temperature of Food/ Prevent Cross-Contamination/ Clean and Sanitize Surfaces Correctly.


When should you wear a hair covering?

What is Prepping Food/ Working in a Prep Area/ Working in areas used to clean utensils and equipment


What groups of people have higher risk for foodborne illness?

What is Elderly People, Preschool-Age Children/ People with Compromised Immune Systems/ Pregnant Women. 


List the top to bottom storage order.

What is ready to eat food then seafood then whole cuts of beef and pork Then ground meat and ground fish then whole and ground poultry 


What are the three signs of pests?

What is droppings/ nests/ damage to products, packaging, and the facility.