Older adults
Chronic Diseases
Chronic pain
Chronic pain and opioids

________ _____ ______ is a pattern of alcohol or other drug use in which an individual continues to use despite problems caused by it.

Substance use disorder


_____ ____are medical disorders that generally take a long time to develop, last for a long period of time, are caused by multiple risk factors, create disability or impairment in daily living, do not spontaneously go away, and cannot generally be cured completely, but can be controlled or managed.

Chronic diseases


_____ ______ is generally considered pain that lasts longer than six months.

Chronic pain


_____ _____ ______ is a written agreement that describes what you and your health care provider expect from each other while you are using opioids for pain control.

Opioid treatment agreement


If you were on a island and could only take these 3 people with you who would fit under these categories?  

Best friend

Romantic partner


answers should be interesting


_____ ______ results when alcohol use causes medical, psychological, or social consequences.

Problem drinking


________ is a term commonly used in medicine that describes the presence of one disorder or disease (or more) co-occurring with another disease or disorder.



The ______ ______ (or fight-or-flight response) is a short-term physical reaction that typically includes • rapid heart rate. • rapid breathing. • sweating. • becoming pale or flush or both. • a boost of energy

stress response


_______ _______ are processes that involve biological, psychological, and social factors. A process is not a single event; it has various stages and it changes over time.

Biopsychosocial processes


Name 7 people in the group room who fall under the Seven dwarfs names. 


Doc       Grumpy

Sleepy      Sneezy

Happy       Bashful



______ _______ is using any prescription or over-the-counter medication in a way that is different from how it was prescribed.

Medication misuse


Approximately  _______ of all adults have one or more chronic diseases.



But over time, you can develop ______(your body needs more of the substance to have the same effect).



When people experience untreated chronic pain, followed by stress and exhaustion (possibly with sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression), they may turn to alcohol or other drugs to attempt to numb the pain, but this doesn’t address the source of the pain and only makes the problem worse by putting their physical health and their recovery at risk. What is this called?

The Pain-Addiction Cycle


Form a rock band consisting of a lead singer, drummer, lead guitar and bass player. Act out the song twinkle twinkle little star as a rock classic!

good luck


People ages sixty-five and older compose only ___ percent of the population, yet account for more than _____ of total outpatient spending on prescription medications in the United States.

13, 1/3(one third)


__-_____ ______ is a term commonly used in the drug treatment and mental health field to describe substance use disorders and mental health disorders coexisting in the same person

Co-occurring disorders


One of the first things a pain specialist will do is to conduct a ____ _______.

 pain assessment


The most common non-opioid pain medications are ___ ___-______ ____ (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen.

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


Your group must sing and dance the macarena!

Yes we have music.

Ohhhhhh macarena


The_____ _____ _____ ______   suggests that adults older than sixty-five consume no more than seven drinks in a week and no more than three drinks on any one day

older adult drinking guideline


___ ____ ______are unhealthy behaviors that cause chronic diseases.

Health risk behaviors


_______ ______ _______ ______ (SNRIs), which are a class of antidepressant medications but also used to treat migraines, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain.

*daily double 

serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors


______ _______ ________ approaches (treatment approaches with more than one method) are more effective than a single approach.

Multiple component treatment


When answering anyone's question for the entirety of the game please address them as "Your Royal Highness" and curtsey when before sitting or after standing each time.

****daily double**** other team gets your points if you do not address them correctly

good luck