The highest grossing Movie
Highest rated TV show on IMDB
Breaking Bad
The most streamed song on Youtube
Which club has won the most Champions League titles
Real Madrid
Highest paid twitch streamer
What does IMDB stand for?
International movie database
TV show with the most EMMY wins
First song to reach 1 billion views on YouTube
Gangnam Style
Which country won the first ever World Cup in 1930
The most watched twitch stream
Movie with the most oscar wins
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Ben Hur
Ed Asner
The most streamed song on spotify
Binding lights
Which player scored the fastest hat-trick in the Premier League?
When was twitch founded?
Actor with the most oscars won
Katharine Hepburn
The longest running tv show in american tv
General hospital
Artist with the most No.1 Billboard songs
The beatles
Who is the only player to win the Champions League with three different clubs?
Clarence Seedorf
how many people use twitch a month?
140 million
What Was the First Movie To Use Profanity?
Gone with the wind
As of March 17th, how many songs have more than 1 billion views on YT
Which Swedish footballer once had a clause inserted into his Premier League contract that prohibited him from travelling into space?
Justin Kan