Why do gas giants have more moons than terrestrial planets?
their stronger gravitational pull
What is tidal locking?
when a celestial body always shows the same face to another
What is the heliosphere?
a protective bubble of solar wind
What is Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation?
the law stating that gravity depends on mass and distance
What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite?
meteor burns in the atmosphere, while a meteorite reaches the ground
What is the primary force that keeps moons in orbit around gas giants?
Why do we always see the same side of the Moon?
Tidal Locking
How does the Sun’s magnetic field cause solar flares?
the Sun's magnetic field
How does mass influence gravitational force?
more mass equals more gravity
Why do comets develop tails as they approach the Sun?
solar wind pushes the dust and gas outward
How do tidal forces affect moons like Io and Europa?
tidal forces
How does the Moon’s gravity affect Earth’s tides?
Ocean Tides
What role does convection play in the Sun’s surface appearance?
How does distance affect gravitational force?
greater distance weakens gravity
Where do most comets originate from?
he Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt
Why do some of Jupiter’s moons have volcanic activity?
internal heating from tidal flexing
What are spring tides, and when do they occur?
Spring tides, which occur during full and new moons.
How does solar wind affect a comet’s tail?
the solar wind
What force keeps planets in their orbits?
Sun’s gravitational pull
What causes meteor showers?
Earth passing through comet debris
Name two factors that determine whether a planet can capture a moon.
mass and distance from the Sun
If Earth were tidally locked to the Sun, how would its climate change?
Extreme temperature difference between day and night
Why do sunspots appear darker than the rest of the Sun’s surface?
What is a cooler temperature than surrounding areas
What does Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion state?
planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus
How do meteorite impacts help scientists study the solar system?
clues to early solar system formation