Seton Hall Career Toolkit
Career Myths
Guess Who: Celebrity Edition!
The Career Center
Seton Hall Pirate Pride

What website can you utilize to explore different career videos through the CareerToolkit?


Even though students have a "vague" idea of what they want to major in, what percentage change their course of study at least one time while in college?

10%, 50%, 70%, or 90%?



Who majored in English and/or Literature? 

A.) J.K. Rowling

B.) John Krasinski

C.) Maya Angelou

John Krasinski!

J.K. Rowling majored in Classical Studies and French, and Maya Angelou did not go to college!


True or False? 

I do not have a designated Career Center Advisor. 


Every student, even if they have not decided on a major, has a specific Career Center Advisor! You can schedule an appointment with them directly through Compass!


Which former New Jersey governor was a graduate of Seton Hall Law School? 

Chris Christie


What is Seton Hall's database for internships, job opportunities, etc., called? 



True or False?

Your major determines and limits what careers you can choose?


More than half of all college graduates pursue careers that are not directly related to their majors. 

About 75% of all jobs are not limited to a certain major! With the exception of jobs with professional licensing requirements


Who is a current student at Harvard University?

A) Phoebe Bridgers

B) Colin Jost

C) Maggie Rogers

Maggie Rogers! She is currently a graduate student. 

Colin Jost attended Harvard University and graduated in 2004, where he majored in History and Literature. 

Phoebe Bridgers elected to not attend college to focus on her music career.


Where is the Career Center located?

Bayley Hall!

The Career Center is located in Bayley Hall, Room 209! 


Which recent Seton Hall graduate is currently signed with the New York Knicks? 

Myles Powell


True or False?

The Career Center Toolkit has example resumes for me to look on their website.


They also have guidelines and helpful vocabulary to help your resume stand out! 


How many jobs do people typically have throughout their lives? 

On average, about 12 jobs! 

People 18 to 24 years old change their jobs an average of 5.7 times!


Who dropped out of college?

A) Bill Gates

B) Lady Gaga

C) Kanye West

All of the above! 

All three of these people dropped out of college, and went on to hold very successful careers! 


What is one large event the Career Center holds each year?

The Career Fair! 


Which current Supreme Court Justice served as an adjunct faculty member at the Seton Hall Law School?

Samuel Alito


True or False:

The Career Center can only help me prep for internships and jobs


The Career Center also provides information on graduate school options, major selection assistance, aptitude tests, etc. 


How many careers will someone within your generation hold throughout their lifetime?

Between 3 and 5! 

Many people change their career path within the first 5 years post-graduation. Think about career vs. job! 


Who holds a doctoral degree in Education? 

A.) Shaquille O'Neal

B.) Oprah Winfrey 

C.) James Franco

Shaquille O'Neal! 

While Oprah has received several honorary doctoral degrees, she has not earned a Doctorate. James Franco is actively pursuing a Ph.D. in English!


What is Seton Hall's latest employment rate, post-graduation? 


The Career Center connects students with employers who hire Pirates! 82% of students land a job within their chosen field!


Which fictional character attended Seton Hall University for one semester before dropping out? 

Tony Soprano


What are the two basic requirements to hold an internship during your time at Seton Hall?

Minimum 2.5 overall GPA and at least 30 credits completed! 

Some departments will have additional requirements, so please check in with the Career Center!


What career is projected to have the most job growth by 2021?

A) Elementary School Teachers

B) Wind Turbine Service Technicians 

C) Occupational Therapists

D) Financial Advisors

Wind Turbine Service Technicans! 

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, this career path is expected to grow almost 61% from 2019-2029! 


Which famous guitarist is also an astrophysicist who worked with NASA? 

A. Slash

B. Brian May

C. Jimi Hendrix

Brian May!

He earned his PhD in astrophysics from the Imperial College of London, and is also the guitarist for Queen!


Name one workshop the Career Center runs for students.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing 101

How to Ace an Interview

Internship and Job Search Tips

Using Networking and Social Media in Your Job Search

And many more! 


List at least 3 of the schools within Seton Hall University.

The College of Arts & Sciences, The College of Communication & the Arts, the College of Education & Human Services, the School of Diplomacy, the Seminary, Seton Hall Law