Story Events
My Teacher

What is the setting in a story?

When and Where the story takes place


On Sunday afternoon, Annie and her family walked up to the booth and bought their tickets. The man told them to head to theater number three. The smell of popcorn was delicious. They made sure they had plenty before they went in. As they walked toward the door with a large number three above, they passed other rooms full of people enjoying their movies. Annie asked her Mom, "What time does ours start? I can't wait." What is the setting of this story?

In a movie theater on a Sunday afternoon. 


Sam didn't know he could have so much fun fishing. His grandpa had told him they would leave as soon as the sun came up. When Sam heard that, he was afraid he would be too tired to have a good time. His grandpa showed up in the early morning. The sun was just popping up over the hill in front of Sam's house. Sam was surprised that it wasn't hard at all to get up. He was so excited that it seemed easy to get ready to go!
What happened LAST in the story?

Sam was so excited that it seemed easy to get ready to go!


What was the problem with Partrick's tarantula?

He hid inside his mom's house slippers


Name the school principal

Mr. Queen 

What are story events?
What happens in the story--In the beginning, the middle, and the end

Henry ran to the water's edge. His mom called him back so she could put sunscreen on his back and shoulders. Henry ran back to his mom. Once he had his sunscreen on, he grabbed his sister's hand and pulled her towards the water. They splashed and yelled in the bright sun. They built a sand castle and a tunnel to the water. After a few hours, they all went home.

On the beach in the daytime. 

Amanda ran through the tall green grass, she saw little purple butterflies take off into the sky. She was running just to run. It was the first day of spring, and the sun was going to be setting in a few a hours. Her mom would be calling her back to the house soon.
 What happens FIRST in the story?

Amanda ran through the tall green grass.


What was the problem with Moe, the cricket?

He sang chirrup-chirrup all night long


Name Mrs. Norman's kid.


What is the PROBLEM in the story?
What goes wrong

During the class trip, the siren went off. The class stepped back. They watched as the men pulled on their uniforms. The men smelled like smoke as they rushed around. They yelled to one another and jumped on the truck. The truck went onto the road with the sirens on. What a field trip this had been!

During the say at a fire station


On Sunday afternoon, Annie and her family walked up to the booth and bought their tickets. The man told them to head to theater number three. The smell of popcorn was delicious. They made sure they had plenty before they went in. As they walked toward the door with a large number three above, they passed other rooms full of people enjoying their movies. Annie asked her Mom, "What time does ours start? I can't wait."  What did Annie do LAST?

Annie asked her mom what time the movie starts.


What was the problem with all of the pets being in Miss Fry's classroom?

There were too many and they were too loud and messy!


What is Mrs. Norman's dogs name?


What is the Solution in the story?
How the problem is fixed

Dustin raised his hand. He was looking at his paper and just did not understand. The other students were working, but he didn't know how to start. He was glad tomorrow would be Saturday! He looked around for his teacher. She looked at him and rose from her chair. He was glad she would help him. When and where did this happen. 

On a Friday in the classroom. 


Sarah missed the bus this morning. She told her mom and she drove Sarah to school.  What was the SOLUTION in the story?

Sarah's mom drove her to school. 


What is the problem with Red, the Rooster at home?

He crows too much 


What is Mrs. Norman's husbands name?

What is a character trait?
It describes what a character is LIKE

Friday night Tim was seated on the bleachers. People were cheering for their favorite team. Men were yelling, "Popcorn!" The smells of roasted peanuts and hot dogs were in the air. The players seemed so close. This was exciting! Suddenly, the crowd yelled, "Home run!" Tim jumped out of his seat to look. 

When and Where

Baseball game on a Friday night


Sarah missed the bus this morning. She told her mom and she drove Sarah to school.   What was the PROBLEM in the story?

Sarah missed the bus. 


What is the problem with Gladys the Goat?

He Baaaaaaa's all night and ate homework 

What does Mrs. Norman enjoy doing in her free time? 
Camping, Shopping, Boating