Setting (When&Where)
Setting (Where)

I woke up so hungry this morning! I rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I made some toast and eggs while my mom drank her coffee. She always needs coffee to wake her up! We both sat down at the kitchen table and ate our breakfast. I decided it was a great day to stay in my pajamas!

In the morning, At home


Wow! It is a wonderful, sunny day outside! My friends and I chose a spot in the hot sand and got out all our sand toys. We made sure to lay out our big towel and a huge umbrella to protect us from the strong sun! After we built a sandcastle, I knew it was time to go swimming. We all ran towards the water and had the best day!

The beach, lake


See slide 4

At the river, cold fall evening


Emily is nervous about her big science test tomorrow. There are a few topics that she still doesn’t understand. When she gets home from school, she asks her older sister to help her study. The two girls make flash cards on the topics Emily is having trouble with. Emily reads over the cards and her sister asks her questions. By the end of the night, Emily feels so much better. “I think I am going to get an A!” she says.



At night, at home



I went apple picking with my mom. We went to the apple orchard. It was so big! First, we walked through all of the apple trees. Next, we each picked six apples. Then, we put the apples in our baskets. Finally, we went home and made apple pie. I ate two pieces. It was so yummy!



Apple orchad


See slide 5

How summer afternoon


The alarm clock goes off and Margo's eyelids flip open. A wide grin spreads across her face. She throws the blankets off of herself and jumps out of bed. She runs over to her dad's bed and begins to shake him back and forth. "Can we please go downstairs and grab breakfast? I want to leave the hotel as soon as possible so we can begin our day's adventure!"

In the moring at a hotel



Tony’s class was playing kickball for recess. He was having so much fun! When the ball went flying into the air, he quickly ran to catch it. Instead of catching the ball, the ball hit Tony’s head. Tony fell to the ground. “My head really hurts,” he told his teacher. Tony’s teacher walked him to the school nurse. She gave Tony an ice pack for his head. Soon, his head began to feel better.



At school


See slide 6

Camping at night during the summer