Setting/ idioms
What do you mean?
Melting pot characters/ plot
7th Grade characters / plot

How are the conflicts that the main characters face different? What steps do the characters take to overcome these challenges?

Must be in RACES format (Remember our peer edits in class! Grade yourself honestly!)


Define "idiom" Why might an author use an idiom?

An expression that literally means one thing, but figuratively means another. AN author might use figurative language to emphasize a point or give an example of their meaning without having to say for example. Depending on the situation this may also add humor.


In the story “Seventh Grade” the author states that, “rosebushes of red bloomed on Victor’s cheeks. A river of nervous sweat ran down his palms. He felt awful.” What is the author actually trying to convey to the reader? (Why use the idioms?)

This use of idioms emphasizes Victors embarrassment


What is the central idea that can be found within the story the melting pot?

Quinlan feels that she is both the daughter of immigrants and a newcomer to her community, she sees her community is beautifully diverse


What is Victor central conflict of the story and how does he overcome at the end?

He wants to impress Teresa and make her his girl . At the end of the story Victor overcomes his fear of talking to Teresa by deciding to sign up for French class ( instead of that Easy A subjects of Spanish which is native tongue) in order to try to impress her. With the help of Mr. Bueller, he is able to impress Theresa


List and explain the meaning of three idioms within the story seventh-grade

Answers will vary, but should include literal and figurative meanings


The phrase “A tinny 3 beat bell propelled students to their home rooms” means what (not literally)?

The small Metallic bell directed students to their homeroom (indicated it was time for class)


How is the mother connected to most of her neighbors

Her children are friends with the interloper's children


Why doesn’t Mr. Bueller out Victor in front of his whole class when he doesn’t speak French?

Mr. Bueller feels sympathy for Victor, because he looks back to a time when he was in college and he lied to a girl to impress her. This memory is the reason that he does not say anything when Teresa said she that was impressed by Victor‘s French skills


How does the idiom “Melting Pot” help the reader better understand the story? When you explain your answer please include the literal and figurative meaning of the idiom

A melting pot would literally mean a cast iron pot that was melting, but figuratively the expression refers to many cultures melting together. Anna Quindlen uses this idiom as the title of her story to explain that her community is Diverse and has unique Beliefs


Use your context clues, what does “wince” mean in Melting Pot.”

Gasp in shock


What is the central conflict in “Melting Pot” and has the author overcome it?

Quindlen has moved back to her childhood community where outsiders are not welcomed. Knowing this rule Quinlen uses this information to her advantage and quickly gains the acceptance of the “old timers.” Her understanding of how diverse her community was enabled her to be recognized as both “one of them, and one of us“


How does Victor feel during French class and why provide evidence from the text?

He feels embarrassed because he pretended to speak French and was revealed as a fraud


How does the setting of “Seventh Grade” affect the overall plot of the story?

The story “seventh grade” takes place on the first day of school. The setting allows for an initial conflict to occur as we see the main character begin to doubt him self and to act insecurely


What words means "on a larger scale” in Melting Pot?



In Melting Pot, The characters are called interlopers or a young professional, describe the meaning and the members of these two groups

An interloper is someone who intrudes on another person and this was the opinion that the long-term residents had of the new community members on a macro scale


Why do you think the detail about the boys picking grapes was included? What does this make the reader think of the boys character?

This detail about the boys picking grapes is able to reveal where the story takes place, as well as informs the reader about Michael and Victor. The detail proves that the boys and their families are very hard-working and humble.


How do the pictures help the reader to enhance their understanding of the story?

The author Anna Quindelin mentions many Different places and explains how diverse her community is, these images allow the reader to see what these places looks like and provide a visual reference.


What word means "to deceive" in 7th grade?



Why do the longtime residents hate the new community members so much and how is this ironic?

They believe these people are taking their jobs, costing them money, and different from themselves.


How does Victor feel by the end of the story? Prove this with text evidence

He feels happy and optimistic for his year at school in seventh grade