Calling an employee nicknames, such as Hot pants.
What is an example of verbal sexual harassment?
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that can impact one’s employment.
What is Quid Pro Quo
Type of report made by an individual following the sexual harassment policy outlined in their employee handbook.
What is an internal report?
To deliberately harm someone in response or revenge for reporting sexual harassment.
What is retaliation. (which is also illegal)
"Accidently" brushing up against someone is a form of what type of sexual harassment...
What is physical?
Whistling at an employee.
What is a form of verbal sexual harassment?
The most common form of sexual harassment.
What is hostile environment?
When an employer should begin an internal investigation.
What is immediately?
Complaints to the Maine Human Rights Commission must be filed within _______ days?
What is 300 days of the most recent incident?
Loss of trust in your workplace environment, fear, loss of job, and feeling humiliated.
What is examples of impacts on victims?
Percived staring, glaring or fixated on body parts.
What is nonverbal sexual harassment.
Requires that the workplace be permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the condition of victim’s employment and create an abusive environment.
What is a Hostile Work Environment?
If you believe that you are the victim of sexual harassment or are aware of sexual harassment in the workplace you should immediately report it to any of the following three:
Who is your supervisor, Tribal Administrator, or human resources?
Legislation that forms the basis for sexual harassment law.
What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
This is prohibited by all employees at the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians...
What is sexual harassment?
making sexual gestures at a co-worker
What is nonverbal?
Come to my house for dinner tonight and we will discuss your raise.
What is an example of Quid Pro Quo.
All employee must receive notification about the definition of sexual harassment, examples of harassing behavior, and instruction about reporting complaints on THIS basis.
What is an annual basis?
Agency in the State of Maine responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate or harass applicant or employees.
What is the Maine Human Rights Commission?
When an employer should begin their investigation...
What is immediately?
Swim suit calendars posted in the workplace.
What is nonverbal harassment.
A co-worker tells you your breast look good in that shirt.
What is a hostile work environment?
Calmly and firmly speak to your harasser to make it clear the conduct is unwelcome.
What is the first step?
Employees are protected against retaliation for filing a complaint under this...
What is the Maine Rights Act of 1971.
victims blame themselves, do not want to get the harasser in trouble, feel embarrassed or won't be believe.
What are reasons victims may not report?