Key Concepts
Coping Strategies
What would you do?

Giving into peer pressure means a person will fit in and feel better about themselves.

What is succumbing to peer pressure often leaves people with the feeling that they’ve betrayed their own beliefs or desires in order to conform to what others want?


% of females that feel the pressure from their friends to have sex

What is 23%?


Peer Pressure

What is a feeling that I must do the same things as my friends or the people around me in order to be liked or respected by them?


Safe word to use when in the position of being pressured to do something you don't want to do on the spot.

What is "no"?


I am dating the captain of the basketball/cheerleading team and I am pressured to have sex with him/her if we are to continue this relationship. 

What is:

- Telling him/her that I should not be pressured to do something that I do not want to do

- Taking the time to talk with a trusted friend/adult for advice/support


If I don't give in to peer pressure, I will wind up feeling lonely and outcasted. 

What is many people successfully resist peer pressure, strengthening their sense of self and their ability to thrive in a variety of social settings. They may keep their friendships intact, or find a new group of like-minded friend?


Fraction of teenaged males that feel the pressure from friends to have sex.

What is 1/3?



What is:

- sexual contact involving penetration of the vagina by the penis

- oral or anal intercourse

- anything (object, finger, tongue, etc.) inserted into the vagina or anus


Who to turn to when I want advice/support when making a decision.

What is ask for advice/support from a parent or other trusted family member, a clergy person, a mentor, or a counselor if you need it.


Your boyfriend/girlfriend tells you, "Everyone think we already have sex, so you might as well. I'll just tell everyone you did it anyway".

What is, "I don't care, I'm not everybody. And besides, not everybody 'does it', (including some of the people you know who say they don't)"


Girls never pressure guys to have sex - pressure always come from the male. 

What is: Every person, and every combination of two people, is different. Pressure can come from anyone, regardless of gender, sexual experience, or age.


The # of new STD's that occur every year in the United States.

 What is 20 million? 

- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 20 million new STDs occur every year in this country, half of those among young people aged 15–24.



What is no sexual contact of any kind, especially no penis-to-vagina contact?


Questions to ask self when I am pressured to have sex and I don't know what to do.

What is:

- "How am I feeling about this?"

- "Does this seem right to me?"

- "What are the pros and cons of making this decision?"

- "Will I regret this decision in the long run?"

- "Will I hurt anyone else besides myself?"


Your boyfriend/girlfriend tells you, “Why won’t you have sex with me?”

What is "Because I don't want to." No further explanation needed.


Everyone I know is doing it.

What is: More than half of teenagers are virgins until they’re at least 17 years old. Don’t believe everything you hear. People lie, and exaggerate, and can talk a good game when it comes to sexual antics. In the end, it doesn’t matter who’s telling the truth or not. The only truth that matters is what’s best for you. - PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)


& of parents that have not discussed with their teens how to handle pressure to have sex.

What is 46%


Sexually Transmitted Disease

What is an infection transmitted through sexual contact, caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites?


Spending time with people who constantly pressure/threat me to do things I don't want to do.

What is recognize unhealthy dynamics: It's not OK for others to pressure, force, or trick you into doing things you don't want to or for others to make threats if you don't give in. It's not OK for others to mock, belittle, shame, or criticize you for your choices. You can ask others to stop these behaviors, or you can choose to avoid spending time with people who act in these ways.


My significant other tells me, “We had sex before; why are you turning me down now?”

What is “I’m entitled to change my mind. It’s my body and my life, and I want to wait until I’m older before I have sex again.”


The only way I can contract an STD is by having unsafe sex with more than one person.

What is: a cliché, but it’s true. All it takes is one time, with one person. With some STD’s, you don’t even have to have intercourse to be exposed to a sexually transmitted disease. Obviously, the more partners you have, the better your chance of getting an STD, but in the end (ex. pregnancy), the magic number is One.


& of teens that want more information on how to handle pressure to have sex and how to know when they are ready to have sex.

What is 44%


Types of Peer Pressure

What is:

- positive peer pressure: any situation in which peers support and encourage constructive actions for one another (ex. study vs. party on the night before exam)

- neutral peer pressure: naturally occurring peer pressure to go along with the crowd in a way that’s not harmful to others (ex. movies vs. football game)

- negative peer pressure: undesirable pressure to do something that you don't want to do, placing you in danger or is hurtful to others


Bystander intervention

What is stepping in to help out when you see someone being pressured. It is an effective way to support others and send a message. If you don't feel comfortable directly confronting the person doing the pressuring, try distracting them or inviting the person being pressured to do something else. 


I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend/girlfriend since 8th grade. But ever since we started senior year of high school, he's changed. For months, he/she keeps pressuring me to have sex with him and every time I say no, he/she gets angry and we get into an argument. I am scared that one day my response won't be enough for him/her and I will be forced to have sex with him/her even though I don't want to.

What is leave the relationship and spend time with people who respect my decisions and values and won't put unfair pressure on me to conform.