Miranda's co-worker and friend
Who is Laxmi?
The setting of the story
What is Boston?
A specific example of cultural differences
What is Miranda spelling the actress's name wrong/trying to learn about India/food
Miranda grew up in...
What is Michigan?
The place Dev is from
What is West Bengal?
The place where Miranda works
What is a public radio station?
Where Miranda first met Dev
What is a department store?
A specific example of loneliness
When Miranda is waiting on Saturday for Dev to come on Sunday
Miranda's age
What is 22?
The snack Laxmi eats
What is Hot Mix?
Laxmi’s cousin’s husband left her for a woman he met in this country
What is England?
When Dev first calls Miranda "Sexy"
What is whispering on the bridge/at the Mapparium?
The contrast between Miranda and Laxmi's cousin
They are both on different sides of an affair. Miranda is the mistress and Laxmi's cousin is the sad wife.
Besides Laxmi and Dev, the Indians that Miranda knew
Who are the Dixits?
Rohin asks Miranda to draw this so he can memorize it.
What is their day together?
What Laxmi calls "the most romantic spot on earth" and “An everlasting monument to love"
What is the Taj Mahal?
The reason Miranda moves to Boston
What is because she wouldn't know anyone?
An example of food as a reoccurring element & the significance
Laxmi bringing Indian food to work
Miranda tries to do this with her name at the bookstore
What is transcribing her name in Bengali?
Who is Madhuri Dixit?
The color Miranda paints her nails
What is clear?
What Miranda does at the end of the story
What is goes for a walk and sits across from the Mapparium & reflects on their relationship?
An example of guilt that Miranda feels
When she was frightened by the Dixits as a child
When she thinks about Laxmi's cousin and her husband fighting, leading to Miranda crying about her own affair with Dev.
Do you think Miranda is a bad person? Why or why not? Use specific evidence.
we will judge if your answer is good enough
What Rohin says to Miranda after she wears the dress
What is "you're sexy"?