¿Cómo se dice pronosticar/pronosticó/ha pronosticado?
What means forescast/forecast/forecast?
It is 56 dollars
How much is/are . . .?
Esta es mi bufanda azul
This is my blue scarf
¿Cómo se dice escupir/escupió/ha escupido?
What means spit/spit/spit?
Yes, here you go. Try it on!
Could you show me...?
Esa no es tu playera verde
That isn't your green t-shirt
¿Cómo se dice malinterpretar/malinterpretó/ha malintepretado?
What means mistake/mistook/mistaken?
It is a dress It
What is this?
Estos son sus ténis amarillos
These are his yellow sneakers
¿Cómo se dice aprender/aprendió/ha aprendido?
What means learn/learned/learned?
Esos no son nuestros trajes de baño
Those aren´t our swimsuits
¿Comó se dice escribir a mano/ escribió a mano/ha escrito a mano?
What means handwrite/handwrote/handwritten?
Ese cachorro se ve lindo
That puppy looks cute