The first step in a scene survey
Hazard check
The ratio of compressions to breaths
Medical condition that may cause recurring chest pain
The three degrees of burns
1st, 2nd, & 3rd
The ABC acronym
Airway, breathing, circulation
S - signs and symptoms
A - allergies
M - medication
P - past medical history
L - last meal
E - events prior
Depth of compressions for children/infants
1/3 of the chest
Technique used to help coach breathing during hyperventilation
Pursed lip breathing
The difference between heat cramps, exhaustion, and heat stroke
Heat cramps are the most mild, heat stroke is most severe. Cramps involve muscle cramping, exhaustion is more of a full body heat injury, and heat stroke is most severe
Amount of time you check breathing
5-10 seconds
W - warmth
A - ABCs
R - rest and reassure
T - treatment
S - semi-sit/semi-prone
Age of a child in CPR
Under 8
Medication someone can take if they have a suspected heart attack
Aspirin (ASA)
Ways you can warm a victim with hypothermia
Giving warm beverages if victim is alert (coffee, tea)
Wrapping victim in warm blanket
Getting into the huddle position
Applying heat packs to head, neck and trunk
Information you include in an EMS call
Number of victims
Victim age, gender, condition
Location where EMS should go
R - rest
I - immobilize
C - cold
What CPR stands for
cardio pulmonary resuscitation
Medication someone with angina may take
Treatment of an electrical burn
Cover entry and exit wounds with dry dressing
The 5 vital signs at the SFA level
LOC, pupils, breathing, pulse, skin condition
A - alert
V - verbal
P - pain
U - unresponsive
The 2 shockable rhythms
Ventricular tachycardia & ventricular fibrillation
5 rights of medication
Right medication
Right amount
Right person
Right time
Right method
A pneumothorax is...
air enters chest cavity, may lead to the total or partial collapse of the lungs