This sacrament signifies the real presence of Christ’s body and blood.
What is the Eucharist?
The age of Jesus when he died.
What is the age of 33?
First humans on Earth
What is Adam and Eve?
Who is Pilate?
The head of the Catholic Church.
Who is the pope?
Requirements for receiving the Eucharist in the Catholic church
What is Baptism?
The amount of times Jesus fell.
What are three falls?
The first book in the New Testament
What is the Gospel according to Mathew?
The object that Jesus received in the second Station.
What is the cross?
This inspiring sister won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor in India
Who is St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)?
Finish the phrase: "Body, Blood, _____, and _____."
What is Soul and Divinity?
The last time Jesus was with all the disciples.
What is the last supper?
The number of books in the Catholic bible
What are 73 chapters?
The person who helps Jesus carry the cross in the fifth station.
Who is Simon of Cyrene?
Longest gospel in the Bible.
What is the book of Mathew?
This millennial saint was the first to be beatified and had a special devotion to the Eucharist.
Who is Carlo Acutis? (He was a teenage computer programmer who documented Eucharistic miracles online.)
The three Mary's.
What is Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary of Magdalene, and Mary of Clopas?
God commanded a man to build an ark, sent a great flood, and later created a rainbow as a sign of His covenant.
What is the story of Noah's ark?
Who is Joseph?
The first polish pope.
The process of transubstantiation during mass.
What is the consecration of the bread and wine during the mass? It is how the bread becomes the body of Christ and how the wine becomes the blood.
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
What are Jesus' last words?
The first verse in the Bible.
What is, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth."
This station marks the final act of the Passion, where Jesus’ body is sealed in the tomb, and His followers are left in sorrow.
What is the Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb and the stone is rolled in front?
The Catholic explorer who sailed a ship called Santa Maria after the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Who is Christopher Columbus?