About Inferences
Black Cowboy (pt. 1)
Black Cowboy (pt. 2)
Zathura (pt. 1)
Zathura (pt. 2)

True / False:

An inference is an answer we find in a book.



When does the story take place?

In the late 1800s.

Specifically, probably in the 1870s-1880s.


Why did a rattlesnake bite the mustang colt?

The snake felt threatened, so it attacked the colt.


How does Walter feel about his younger brother, Danny, at the beginning of the story?

Walter doesn't like Danny. He thinks Danny is annoying and only causes problems.


What is wrong with the "defective" robot?

It thinks that Walter is an alien, so it tries to kill him.


True or False:

An inference is a guess about something we don't know based on things we already know are true.



Did Bob Lemmons do the same kind of work as other cowboys?


Specifically, he specialized in catching mustangs.


How does Bob Lemmons feel about nature?

He respects nature. We can see that because he doesn't bother the rattlesnake. He knows it has the right to protect itself.


What does the word "tackle" mean?

It means to grab someone and pull them to the ground.


Why did Danny's shape change when his gravity increased?

His higher gravity pulled his whole body lower to the ground. But since he didn't actually get smaller, his body's mass had to spread outwards, so his shape changed.


True or False:

Making inferences is a skill that is only useful in reading.


(Double points if you can give a good example of another situation where making an inference is a useful skill.)


Why would Bob Lemmons carry food like nuts, dried fruit, and dried meat?

He needed to not have to use fire to cook his food. He also needed food that would be safe to keep for a long time and eat when he needed it.


Why were vultures circling in the sky over the mustang herd?

The vultures were waiting for the colt to die so that they could eat it.


Is there a connection between Jumanji and Zathura?

(In-story answer) Yes. The games work the same way. They were probably made by the same person.

(Out-of-story answer) Yes, again. Both stories were written by the same author.


Why did Danny's shape return to normal?

When Walter moved Danny's game token, Danny's old turn ended. That ended the higher gravity effect that had changed Danny's shape.


Which person is making an inference:

A doctor adding what he learned in medical school with what sick patient says in order to find out what is wrong with the patient.

A person checking a weather app in order to find out what the weather will be like tomorrow.

The doctor is making an inference.

The other person is simply searching for information.


Why doesn't Bob Lemmons hurry to catch the mustangs more quickly?

He needed to take time to make himself smell like nature: the wind, the grass, his horse...


Why does Bob make his horse fight against the mustang stallion?

Bob has to make the mustangs think he is their leader to make them follow him.

He can only control all of them if they choose to follow him.


How is Zathura different from a normal board game?

Zathura creates a real adventure for the people who play the game. All of the dangerous things that happen in the game are truly dangerous for the players.


The last time the boys saw the robot, it only had one arm. Why?

The other arm came off while the robot fought against the Zorgon pirate.


What can be inferred from the following pieces of information:

A student takes several tests at school.

The student goes home feeling happy and excited. 

The student thinks they did very well on the tests.

Why did Bob Lemmons want to smell like a horse?

He needed them to think he was a horse. He knew the mustangs would never let him get close if he smelled like a person.


What is Bob probably thinking at the end of the story as he stares out at the countryside?

He is probably thinking that one day, he wants to live in nature and be completely free.


What does a gyroscope do on a spaceship?

It keeps the spaceship balanced. 

It makes sure that "down" is the same direction for everyone and everything on the ship.


How far back in time did Walter go in the black hole? Why was that amount of time important?

He went back in time three hours. That was important because he and Danny had been playing the game for "almost three hours." This un-did everything that happened in the game.

At least for Walter...

What about Danny???