US History I
US History II
Laws & Government

The name of the ship on which the Pilgrims traveled to North America in 1620.

What is the Mayflower?


This country gifted America the Statue of Liberty.

What is France?


This holiday movie had a guest experience from former President Donald Trump.

What is Home Alone 2?


This document was written to set out the goals of the Constitution (establish justice, ensure peace, to defend the nation, and to protect the people's liberty)

What is the Preamble?


This academic dean is a CCM Alumni.

Who is Dean Maria Isaza?


Took place on Griffin's Wharf in 1773.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


James Early Ray assassinated this person in Memphis in April 1968.  

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


Tim Walz was first elected this state's 41st govenor in this year.

What is Minnesota in 2018?

Two reasons why the antifederalists did not want the Constitution to be ratified. 

(1) the Constitution would reduce the powers of the state, (2) the central government may pass laws that may not be good for all states, and (3) the Constitution did not protect American rights.


The room number for the Center for Student Wellbeing, Career Services, and Transfer Services.

What is SCC118?


The first African American to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Who is Ralph Bunche?


In 1672, Spain began building a large masonry fort on the shore of this city in Florida.

What is St. Augustine?


Kamala Harris was the first woman to serve in this position (not Vice-President of the US). 

What is California's Attorney General?


This group of people wanted a stronger national goverment.

Who are the nationalists/federalists?


President Iacono pursued this major in college.

What is history?


According to official accounts, murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of President John F Kennedy.  

Who is Jack Ruby?


Hero of the Mexican War, losing candidate for president in 1852, and believed to have inspired the excalamation "Great Scott!". 

Who is General Winfield Scott?


On June 13, 1967, this Democrat was the first president to appoint an African American to the Supreme Court.

Who is Lyndon Johnson?


The writers of the Articles of Confederation purposely created a weak central government because they wanted the power to rest with the ____(1)____, not with the ____(2)____.

(1) states (2) government


Oversee Virtual Campus.

Who are Dean Shelley Kurland and Amy Garcia?


Marjorie Robb, Barbara Dainton, Millvina Dean, and Lillian Asplund are known for being among the last living survivors of this tragedy.

What is the sinking of the Titanic?


In the 1760s, these 2 surveyors used milestones to mark the boundary line between Maryland & Pennsylvania. 

Who are Mason & Dixon?


On March 30, 1867, this president purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars. His critics called the purchase, "Steward's icebox" and this president's "polar bear garden."

Who is the seventeenth president, Andrew Johnson?


Give me 5 out of the 10 Bill of Rights.

Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly
Amendment 2 Right to bear arms
Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4 Search and arrest
Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases
Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial
Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases
Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment
Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People
Amendment 10 States' rights


The location for SGA General Meetings.

What is DH 118?