Science Policy & Ethics
Sex, Gender & Research
Performance & Evaluation
100% of CIHR Presidents have been members of this biological category.
What is male?
This Canadian health portfolio policy came into effect in 2009.
What is the sex- and gender-based analysis/SGBA policy?
This part of the CIHR application prompts researchers to consider SGBA.
What is the sex and gender box (mandatory sex and gender questions)?
This male hormone diminishes with use of opioids and affects sexual performance.
What is testosterone?
This is the Indigenous term represented by the '2' in LGBTQ2+.
What is two-spirited?
This small chromosome has only 426 genes.
What is the Y chromosome?
Completion of one of these was a mandatory requirement for Principal Investigators at the registration stage for the Personalized Health Initiative.
What are IGH online training modules on integrating sex & gender in health research (sex- and gender-based analysis)?
Asking research applicants if they are male or female provides data on this human and animal characteristic.
What is sex?
DAILY DOUBLE This is one of two slogans that appear on IGH's promotional materials.
What is 'Sex Cells'? What is 'You Can't Control for Women'?
One third of fractures associated with this bone condition occur in men.
What is osteoporosis?
"Men love model cars" is a stereotype of this societal norm.
What is male gender/hegemonic masculinity?
This popular metric of research productivity is gender blind -- to the detriment of many female researchers.
What is the H-Index?
These guidelines help ensure sex and gender are appropriately reported and analyzed in scientific publications.
What are the SAGER guidelines/Sex and Gender Equity in Research guidelines?
According to a 2014 review, this is the percentage (+/- 5) of studies published in Cell Physiology in 2013 that did not specify the sex of the cells used in their experiments.
What is 75 percent?
Males make up 80 percent of rodent models used in this field of health research.
What is neuroscience (or pain research)?
Machine learning algorithms trained on datasets that contain systematic differences between men and women may reproduce this effect.
What is gender bias?