According to the revised Female Hair Standards, "Braids and singular ponytails may be worn down the center of the back in all uniforms, but the length will not extend past the.... when...."
"Extend past the bottom of the shoulder blades when standing at the position of attention."
What is the Off-Post Privileges radius?
75 Miles.
What 3 issued items must reside within the green laundry bag?
The Blue Laundry Bag, White Mesh Bag, and Brown Mesh Bag.
What is the fastest land animal?
The Peregrine Falcon.
What is the appropriate length of fingernails for men and women?
Male standard is to have nails clean cut and no longer than the fingertip. Females are allowed to have nails that extend 1/4 inch from the finger tip.
In what lots are the 1 CL and the 2 CL allowed to park in?
1 CL are allowed to park their POVs in C, AA, and F Lot. 2 CL are allowed to park only in E.
What items are allowed to be displayed underneath the bed?
Shoes (tallest to shortest in order closest to the door) and trunks.
How much blood does the average person have?
1.2-1.5 gallons.
What are the regulations on hair dye for soldiers?
Hair dye must be of natural color. The commander maintains discretionary power.
What is the only occasion when cadets are allowed to park in CPRA parking lots?
How many monitors are authorized to a cadet?
A cadet may have two monitors, but the one additional monitor may not be more than 28" diagonally.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?
What type of earrings are allowed with ACUs?
What privileges are allotted to SGR 3 Cadre?
Walking Privileges, On-Post Privileges, Civilian Clothes, and Nicotine/Tobacco Use.
What is the new name for the Cadet SOP for conduct and management of the Cadet Barracks?
Barracks Arrangement Guide (BAG)
What is a shrike?
A bird that chooses violence. It literally impales small mammals on thorns for fun.
What uniform are 1 CL Cadets allowed to work out in?
All cadets are required to wear the APFU when conducting exercise at West Point.
What is the standard uniform for 3 CL cadets taking OPPs, Pass, Leave, and Walking Privileges?
Black and Gold.
Where are beverage containers supposed to be placed in the cadet room?
They must be placed on the windowsill.
If a person was struck by lightning, what is their likelihood of survival?
9/10 lightning strike victims survive the strike.