A Roman princess who was the mother to Imam Mahdi (ATFS)
Bibi Nargis
The prophet who was commanded to build an ark
Nooh (AS)
The surah that has the name of Allah in every verse.
He is buried in Kadhmain and known as Babul Hawaij.
Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as)
The world’s oldest continuously inhabited city
Damascus, Syria
The town where Imam Mahdi (ATFS) was born
The Prophet whose miracle was a pregnant she-camel.
Salih (AS)
What do these 4 surahs have in common? Alaq, Najm, Sajda and Fussilat.
Wajib Sajda
Imam Ali AS was given the flag in this battle.
Record holder for the fastest hat-trick in the Premier League
Sadio Mane (2 minutes 56 seconds for Southampton)
A dua recited on Eids lamenting the separation from Imam Mahdi (AJTFS)
Du'a Nudbah
The prophet who had the miracle of turning his staff into a serpent
Musa (AS)
How many times is Ramadan is mentioned in the Qur’an.
1 (2:185)
He tested his companions' loyalty by allowing them to escape in the dark night.
Imam Husayn (as)
Largest ocean
Pacific Ocean
A dua authored by Imam Mahdi ATFS recited in Shahru Ramadhan
Du'a Iftitah
The prophet who did not burn in the fire
Ibraheem (AS)
The most common letter in the Holy Qur’an.
The one who said the famous words, “Ma Ra’aytu Illa Jameela”
Sayyidah Zainab
Record holder for the most goals in a single Premier League season
Mohammed Salah
A masjid built on the direction of Imam Mahdi (AJTFS)
Masjid Jamkaran
The Prophet who has the same name as Imam Mahdi (AJTFS)
Muhammad (SAWW)
The largest mammal mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.
Feel: Elephant
The day Rasulullah was told to proclaim the message of Islam.
Highest-scoring match in Premier League history
Portsmouth vs. Reading (7-4) in 2007