Who is the leader of the Alliance at this time?
Who is King Varian Wrynn?
What is the Road of Victory made of?
What is Draenei bones?
Who led the Horde in Borean Tundra?
Who is Garrosh Hellscream?
Who helped Deathwing with his armor?
Who are the Drogbar and Goblins?
Why did the sha revive?
What is The Horde and Alliance fighting.
What is the name of the last boss in Blackwing Lair?
Who is Nefarian?
What are Ethereals made of?
What is Arcane Essence?
Who bombed the Wrathgate?
Who is Grand Apothecary Putress?
What zone was flooded?
What is Thousand Needles?
What happened to Wrathion?
What is took over the Tavern in the Mists?
Who is the mother of the Centaurs?
Who is Princess Theradras?
What black dragon lived in the Outlands until Dragonflight?
Who is Sabellion?
Where did Sylvanas go when she threw herself from Icecrown Citadel?
What is The Maw?
Where is the Throne of Four Winds found?
What is Uldum?
What was the name of the dragon that helped Garrosh?
Who is Chronomu?
What are the names of the Four Horsemen?
Who is Thane Korth'azz, Lady Blauemox, Baron Rivendare and Sir Zeliek?
What happened to Auchindoun?
Who was the leader of the Nerubians before his fall?
Who is Anub'arak?
Where did we get the Dragon Soul?
What is Well of Eternity?
What was the name of the Admiral that helped the Alliance in Jade Forest?
Who is Admiral Taylor?
Why did Fandral Staghelm turncoat?
Was it his sons death?
What happened to Alleria and Turalyon?
What is dimension hopping?
Who created the Goblins by mistake?
Who is Mimiron?
Who was Deathwing's consort?
Who is Sinestra?
What was the name of the war when the Zandalari first attacked the Pandaren?
What is the Troll Wars?