A 1pp Portalcraft spell that can draw a card or tutor an Artifact, A 3pp neutral spell that destroys a card and summons tokens.
Homunculus's Advent of Peace
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Cygames definitely miscalculated how strong this robot pal would be.
The two Mysteria spells generated by Mysterian Knowledge.
Mysterian Circle and Mysterian Missile.
This follower named after a cereal grain is one of the best cards in the game for stealing your opponent's followers.
Cornelius, the Corpse King
A Resurgent AoE spell, A Neutral spell that gets stronger when you Evolve.
United Resolve of the Fallen
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Night Terrors
A digital menace, this follower from the anime was never used for anything fair.
Garuel, Seraphic Leo
The three Artifacts generated by Genesis Artifact.
Defense Artifact, Guard Artifact, and Cannon Artifact
This monochrome duo would summon their counterpart to the opponent's board.
Odile, Black Swan, and Odette, White Swan
An amulet that gives followers Ward, A doubly dancer.
Guardian Sun Oracle Pascale
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The Princess Express
While initially slept on due to a weak supporting pool, this follower ended up defining an entire year of Shadowcraft decks, and would even end up being consistently played in Unlimited.
Gremory, Death Teller
The number of cards that summon or create Fallen Angels.
This Portalcraft follower had a unique effect at the time: it banished an enemy follower and summoned a copy to your side of the field.
Morton the Manipulator
A Shadowcraft AoE spell, A Dragoncraft AoE spell.
Hellfire Strike of the Dragonslayer
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Waters of the Orca (I couldn't find an orca emoji)
Havencraft players partied hard when this follower was defining the meta.
Jatelant, God of Prosperity
The cost of Go, Go, Robomi!
These two cards are the only cards in the game that aren't in Portalcraft that summon Artifacts.
Lucius, Travelled Trainer, and Forte & Miriam, Bondforged
A hidden Wonderland nightmare, The Twilight Queen's best friend.
Spawn of the Abyss Straddler
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Jerva of Draconic Mail
This follower single-handedly decimated the population of Greenwood Guardians.
The two token followers that Fickle Resurrector can summon.
Bone Cavalier and Spellplate Cavalier
This spell allows anyone to get their hands on a card from any other class... except for Portalcraft.
Treasure Map