When was he born ?
He was born in 1564
Which excerpts did we read from in class?
Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet
What was the name of the theatre he helped build ?
It was the Globe Theatre
Shall I compare thee to a ______________
Summer's day
Shakespeare created this phrase to mean when you get yourself into a tight situation
"In a pickle"
Where was he born ?
He was born in Stratford-Upon-Avon
All of the actors in Shakespeare's live plays were
Shakespeare wrote 154 of these
Complete the quote with the missing word:
To be, or not to be: that is the ....” ..
William Shakespeare married at a young age. What exactly was it?
18 years old
What was the job of Shakespeare ?
He was an author
What type of play is "Romeo and Juliet" ?
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy
In what language did Shakespeare invent new words and expressions ?
He invented new words and expressions in English
Thou art more lovely and more
Willam has left many famous expressions from his works that we still use nowadays.
One of them means you say or do something to make people feel relaxed and comfortable. Name the expression
"Break the ice"
Who did Shakespeare marry?
Anne Hathaway
How many Acts does a Shakespeare play have?
5 Acts
What did Shakespeare contribute to?
He contributed to English literature (about 3000 Words)
Shakespeare's Sonnets focused on
Hamlet is the foundation for this movie
When did Shakespeare die? (Not a date.)
On his birthday (April 23)
What type of plays did he write ?
He wrote tragedy, comedy and history plays (Tragic Comedies / Historical)
Shakespeare is famous for creating his own form of the Sonnet. There are 3 things he is known for in his Sonnets. List them ALL
Rhyme Scheme
Iambic Pentameter
Volta (Turn or Shift)
Shakespeare was part of the (time period)
English Renaissance/ 1500s
10 Things I Hate About You is based on this Shakespearean play