Probably from Middle Dutch pekel or "spiced sauce served with meat or fowl"
A god introduced by means of a crane in ancient Greek and Roman drama to decide the final outcome.
Deus Ex Machina
What was the name of Shakespeare's wife?
Anne Hathaway
Old English þeof "one who takes property from another by stealth; a robber," from Proto-Germanic *theuba-
A conversation between two or more people
Roughly how many words and phrases did he contribute to the English language?
c. 1300, "strange, foreign;" as a noun, from Latin alienus "of or belonging to another, not one's own, foreign, strange," also, as a noun,
Overconfidence or too much pride
What was the name of his Theater?
The Globe
1855, theater slang for "a failure in performance;" by 1862 it had acquired the general sense of "any ignominious failure or dismal flop," on or off the stage. It comes via the French phrase "faire"
Comic episodes in a dramatic or literary work that offset more serious sections.
Comic Relief
Where is Shakespeare buried?
or Avon
1570s, "unevenness;" 1660s, "deviation from the common rule," from Latin anomalia, from Greek anomalia "inequality," abstract noun from anomalos "uneven, irregular," from an- "not" (see an- (1)) + homalos "even," from homos "same"
A literary device that uses strong emotions to engage readers and purge them of those emotions.
What was Shakespeare's nickname??
The Bard