The meaning of "retire"
What is "to go to bed" or "to retreat"?
The meaning of "thou"
What is "you"?
The meaning of "whence"?
What is "from where"?
The meaning of "character"
What is "handwriting or letter"?
The meaning of "star-crossed"
What is "lovers"?
The meaning of "knap"
What is "to hit/strike"?
The meaning of "ye"?
What is "you"?
The meaning of "young"
What is "recent"?
The meaning of "discourse"
What is "reason"?
The meaning of "dogs of war"
What is "havoc on the battlefield"?
The meaning of "mark"
What is "to notice"?
The meaning of "thyself"?
What is "yourself"?
The meaning of "ought"
What is "promise"?
The meaning of "knave"
What is "a young boy or servant"?
The meaning of "bite your thumb at"
What is "flipping someone off"?
The meaning of "perpend"
What is "to think of/consider"?
The meaning of "thy"?
What is "your"?
The meaning of "unpregnant"
What is "idiotic and inane"?
What is "accusation"?
The meaning of "fortune's fool"
What is "awful luck"?
The meaning of "balk"
What is "to hesitate or to dispute"?
The meaning of "thine"?
What is "yours"?
The meaning of "heavy"
What is "sad, painful, or mournful"?
The meaning of "subscription"
What is "obedience"?
The meaning of "salad days"
What is "the young days"?