He was an English playwright who wrote plays such as Romeo and Juliet.
Who was William Shekespeare ?
Shakespeare said "There nothing you can do about in now"
Shakespeare's daugther felt happy
How did Shakespeare's daugther feel ?
Mr Thomas felt angry
How did Mr Thomas feel ?
The king felt angry
Who did the king feel ?
He had seven siblings
How many brothers and sisters did he have ?
Mary felt terrible
How did Mary feel?
She felt happy because she bought a gold ring from the market
Why did she feel happy?
He felt angry because his wife talked to another man
Why did he feel angry ?
He felt angry because he had to drink water and not wine
Why did he feel angry ?
He died on 23 April 1616
When did he die ?
She felt terrible because she put pepper in her friend's pie
Why did she feel terrible?
Shakespeare said "Is it real gold" ?
What did Shakespeare say ?
Shakespeare said "the green-eyed monster attacks again"
What did Shakespeare say ?
Hamlet said cruel things to his mother
What did Hamlet say ?
He was born in Stratford-Upon-Avon in England
Where was he born?
Lady MacBeth said "What's done is done"
Who said "What's done is done"?
The prince chose the gold box
What box did the Prince choose ?
Othello murdered his wife because he believed she was cheating on him
Why did Othello murder his wife ?
Hamlet said that because she married the man who killed her husband
Why did Hamlet say that?
He married Anne Hathaway
Who did he marry?
Macbeth felt guilty
How did Macbeth feel?
The French for "all that glisters is not gold" is "tout ce qui brille n'est pas d'or"
What is the French for "all that glisters is not gold"?
It means jealousy
What does "the green-eyed monster" mean?
The French for "cruel to be kind" is "qui aime bien chatie bien"
What is the French for "cruel to be kind"