Deez nuts, HA _________!
Got eeem!
“Dancing baby” is thought to be the internet’s first meme. What television show did it appear in before internet fame?
Ally McBeal
That lil guy who gives advice but it’s often bad.
Advice Dog
What dictated the re-spawn?
Skull Coins
What month is my birthday in?
It is ______ my dudes
Originally used in WARcraft III when players would mass produce gyrocopters to troll players on the other team, typically today it's seen as ASCII-art of a helicopter. What is it?
This gross amphibian is single and gives advice to help navigate your way through your disgusting life.
Foul Bachelor Frog
On the first day Carpe Boredom went live, what was it that Shelby wanted to have relations with?
A cupcake
What is my middle name?
Zach, stop!
You’re gonna get in trouble
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
Mushroom Mushroom
This old lizard is constantly perplexed by paradoxes.
The only Pocket Monster Clayton knows
Where was I born?
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Oh my god, I love Chipotle. _________
Chipotle is my life.
What was the 1983 film that had the quote “It’s a Trap!” said by Gial Ackbar
Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi
This weird bird is constantly publicly embarrassing himself.
Socially Awkward Penguin
What's a bucket with several nipples along the bottom?
Suckle Bucket™
What is my dad's first name?
Oh hi, thanks for checking in, I’m ____________
Still a piece of GARBAGE
What internet meme came from the 1992 Mega Drive port of the arcade game Zero Wing?
All your base are belong to us.
He furiously refuses to do things the logical way. Often he finishes simple, everyday tasks with violence.
Insanity Wolf
Big beautiful fish
Lord Woo Fak Fak
What year did I graduate high shcool?