This plant is said to bring good luck.
What is 4 leaf clover
This date and time is when general body meetings occur
Every Thursdays 6-8
This is how many digits of pi existing.
What is infinite numbers.
Spongebob lived in this type of pi.
What is Pineapple
This is the date of st.patricks day.
What is March 17
This is Evans President name.
Who is Gavin T.
What type of number is pi?
What is irrational.
What do you call a pi that takes over a ship
What is a pirate
A disease on what crop caused a severe decline in Ireland’s population in 1845
DOUBLE POINTS name the event
What is the potato/
Potato famine
This animal is most seen inside Evans Hall
What are bats.
Pi is a letter of this type of alphabet
What is Greek alphabet
Why should you never talk to pi?
They'll go on forever
Ireland is one of the only countries with an official instrument. What is it
What is the harp.
Who was Evans hall named after
DOUBLE POINTS- what is he known for.
Who is Willie R Evans.
What is being a running back for UB football in 1950
1 of 2 formulas for the circumference of a circle...Using pi ofc.
What is 2pi*r
This is a mathematical snake
What is a python
"Slainte"is heard often in Ireland, what does is mean?
What was Evans hall called before it was called Evans.
What is Porter Hall
First 4 numbers of pi
What is 3.141
This is what you get if you divide the circumference of a jackolantern by its diameter.
What is pumpkin pie