What day does Shane usually go golfing?
If you make a general error- what might Shane say to "comfort" you?
You're so pretty
Replicate the sound that Shane makes the most
brrr brrr br brrrrrr
What is Shane's Birthday?
May 24th
What show does Shane love to watch?
90 day fiance
When you make a bigger boo-boo what does Shane ask you?
What did you learn from this?
You think you're making an innocent comment until Shane says what following phrase?
That's what she said!
How tall is Shane?
What are the names of Shane's wife and children?
Alana, Abagail, & Cooper
When a guest gives negative feedback, what is his response?
Thank you for your feedback.
If you complain about another department what will he respond with?
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Where would Shane live if he could live anywhere?
Costa Rica
Shane often visits his friends in which TX city?
Who is Shane's favorite employee?
How will he refer to your fellow co-workers when talking with you about them?
Your sister/brother/bestie
What does Shane order at Los Bolitos?
California Burrito
How many F's does Shane give?
When does Shane expect you to call out of work?
The night BEFORE.
What does Shane say to the Replenish managers most often?
I'm taking back my cabana revenue!
How long has Shane been in the Spa industry?
"29 years"