Who Am I?
I am a 6 sided polygon! Who am I?
I am a Hexagon!
I have no straight lines! I can sometimes be a ball. Who am I?
I am a Sphere or Circle!
I make the earth rattle and shake.
I make numbers go up by skip counting
I am multiplication
I am a plant that grows in deserts. I have spikes to keep animals away and I have a slimy texture inside.
Cactus or Cacti
I have three straight lines, two are equal, I used to serve ice cream. Who am I?
I am a Cone or a Triangle!
I erupt and spew hot water into the air many feet high.
I am the answer to a multiplication problem
I am a product
I am an animal that can adapt by changing my color
I am a chameleon
I am a 5 sided polygon Who am I?
I am a Pentagon!
I have two equal sets of parallel lines
I am a Rectangle
I erupt and spew out molten rock.
I am the answer to a division problem
I am a quotient
I have an adaptation of a shell to protect me from being eaten and I eat plants.
I have 4 EQUAL sides, I can sometimes be a box or ice in your drink. Who am I?
I am a Square
I am caused when the earth shakes and I cause floods. I form in the coasts.
I am a model that can show you multiplication and division and I am all EQUAL
I am an Array
I am the person who cares for you and loves you
I am Ms. Floco, will also accept Mrs. Dean
I am a polygon with 9 straight lines what am I?
I am a Nonagon!
I have an "eye" at the center and I form in the ocean.
I am the number that is being divided
I am a Dividend
I am a reptile, I slither and there are 7 different types of me and my adaption is my poisonous venom