Skit Details
Token Economy & Premack Principle
Shaping & Flooding
Movie Knowledge (If Time Permits)
Random Knowledge (If Time Permits)

Yuling gave these objects to Annie as an award for doing good work.

What are stickers?


Name the definition of the Token Economy approach.

What is a system for providing positive reinforcement to a child or children by giving them tokens for completing tasks or behaving in desired ways?


Name the definition of the flooding approach.

What is the process of teaching patients self-relaxation techniques first and then exposing them abruptly and directly to the fear-evoking stimulus itself.


This is the car model from Back to the Future.

What is a Delorean?


This is the chemical symbol for water.

What is H₂0?


Joaquin shocked Annie with this new object that hasn’t been practiced.

What is a piece of sheet music?

Name the Premack Principle Definition.

What is the idea of high-probability behaviors can be used to reinforce low-probability behaviors?


Name the definition of the shaping approach.

What is gradually reinforcing behaviors until they
come closer to the desired behavior?


This was the first Pixar movie.

What is Toy Story?


This playwriter wrote "Othello".

Who is William Shakespeare?


Joaquin gave Annie this amount of time to learn the unknown piece.

What is a month?


Name 5 objects that can be used for tokens in a school setting.

What are stickers, stamps, stars, tallies, poker chips, fake money...


Give the full name of the course that Charlie was referring to in his shaping 4th wall break moment. Full points if you give the code too (there is 8 characters in it). (200 + 100 for Code)

What is Psychological Foundations of Music Education, EMU245H1?


This is the name of the hotel from The Shining.

What is the Overlook Hotel?


These are how many Grammy's Billie Eilish won in 2020.

What is 5?


Yuling asked for this specific object to see if good work was being done outside of class.

What is a practice log?


Determine whether this is an example of the Premack Principle or not. (say what is yes or no for the answer)

A student is acting inappropriately on Monday in a school setting. The teacher tells the student they can’t do what they were doing, without offering a solution. The student continues acting the way they did the whole week. On Friday, the teacher says if you stop doing that, you can help me with this activity. The student agrees and stops.

What is no?

Reason: Yes, the teacher does eventually offer a solution to the problem. BUT, there was no effort in encouraging good behaviour throughout the week by the teacher. The Premack Principle requires immediate solutions and not delayed ones.


Determine whether this is an example of the Flooding approach or not. (say what is yes or no for the answer)

A teacher says on the first day of classes that they will need to think of a speech of what they did over the summer. They only have a couple days and need to memorize it. The teacher says they don’t need to speak very long but some specific details would be appreciated.

What is yes?

Reason: The flooding approach uses a mild shock factor and because so much minimal time is given, students will actively be thinking about it outside of class.


This movie has this famous quote: “Say hello to my little friend”.

What is Scarface?


This game used to be an olympic sport until 1920.

What is tug-of-war?


Joaquin demonstrated this composers music (First & Last for full points 250 each).

Who is Sergei Rachmaninoff?


Determine whether this is an example of Token Economy or not. (say what is yes or no for the answer)

A student has been practicing their piano everyday very well. The teacher has been positively reinforcing them and encouraging them to practice everyday. As an award, the teacher says they don’t need to practice for a week. 

What is no?

Reason: Yes, you are encouraging them with positive behaviour. BUT, to a goal that encourages no work being done at all, taking the value out of the work up to the reward.


Determine whether this is an example of the Shaping approach or not. (say what is yes or no for the answer)

A teacher assigns an essay to their students. The marks are focused on the essay only. The students did know about it ahead of time. The teacher gave a recommendation to do an outline but didn’t assign it. They were given a reasonable amount of time, but it was relatively early into the school year.

What is no?

Reason: Yes, the teacher warned them about it ahead of time, and gave them a reasonable amount of time to complete it. BUT, the teacher made it clear that there was no true focus on the gradual successes to work towards the final project. Shaping involves small steps to improve habits and behaviours overtime.


This musical was incorrectly announced as the Best Picture winner at the 2017 Academy Awards.

What is La La Land?


You want 500? Then name the 6 digits in pi after 3.14 in order.

What is 159265?